By?James Levin?|?Mar 21, 2025?? ?https://jobsearchtherapy.com/pc/
Seems that PC is on the tip of everybody’s tongue these days. Conversations, no matter where they begin swing into politics. In my line of work, I do my very best to avoid politics. It just gets in the way and quite frankly, I am not interested in changing the dynamics of what a good senior career coach at a major university should do; And that is advocate, support, champion, mentor, make recommendations that will help my clients navigate a clear and concise path from classroom to career. I follow the news. I can and do engage in politics, but not at work.
I help my clients, the students EXPLORE & DISCOVER what their ‘next’ can look like and create a solid strategic plan that gets them there. It’s done by generating a quick rapport and earning their trust. The common thread to do that is COMMUNICATION. Ask good questions. Listen carefully to the response, process it and find the right way to get inside their head so I can help them find the intersection points between them and the targets they have. I want them to have a good understanding how the resume, the first point of contact can and should open doors. And once inside, how do they interpret the bullet points into talking points. If I manage this successfully, I establish that trust and together we redefine PC.?Purpose and Clarity.