PBSP and AEDP, An Attachment/Relational Model of Therapy: Commonalities, Differences and Paths towards Mutual Enrichment.

Dear AEDP San Diego Therapist,?

I thought you might be interested in an upcoming presentation I’m giving on April 6, 2024 at the San Diego PBSP conference—PBSP and AEDP, An Attachment/Relational Model of Therapy: Commonalities, Differences and Paths towards Mutual Enrichment. ? PBSP is basically portrayal work with an attachment orientation. Its skill sets will help you deepen your AEDP portrayal work. For more information, including how to attend this presentation or the conference, please contact me personally at [email protected].?

The link to the conference itself is: ?https://www.eventcreate.com/e/pbsp

All the best,


Matt Fried, `(MA, Ph.D.,MFA

Lic. Psychologist

Certified AEDP Therapist & Supervisor,?

Certified PBSP Therapist, Supervisor & Trainer

Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner

441 West End Ave. #1B

New York, NY 10024


Will this be recorded for access later for those that live outside of the US? Australian inquiring!



