PBC Focus Areas>Education & Culture

PBC Focus Areas>Education & Culture

Join the Portuguese Business Council's community of professionals and entrepreneurs in Education and Culture!

In September 2017, Ministry of Education launched the ‘National Strategy for Higher Education 2030’. The strategy sets out to build and achieve the highest scientific and professional education standards to serve the UAE’s future generations. The strategy seeks to provide future generations with the necessary technical and practical skills to drive the economy in both public and private sectors. It also aims to prepare a generation of Emirati professionals to sustain growth in vital sectors such as knowledge, economy, entrepreneurship and the overall development of the UAE’s labour market.?

The UAE Government set four main pillars to achieve this strategy: a) quality; b) efficiency; c) innovation and d) harmonisation. The Strategy also identified 33 key initiatives to support the implementation phase. Find out more at: https://u.ae/en/about-the-uae/strategies-initiatives-and-awards/strategies-plans-and-visions/human-resources-development-and-education/national-strategy-for-higher-education-2030?

Regarding culture, launched in 2021, the UAE’s ‘National Strategy for the Cultural and Creative Industries’ aims to promote the growth of the cultural and creative industries’ sector and increase its contribution to 5 per cent of the national GDP by 2031. It also seeks to: a) strengthen the UAE’s position on the global cultural and creativity map; b) inspire creative thinking and attract cultural talents and creative entrepreneurs from around the world; c) double the number of enterprises operating in the sector; d) create new jobs in the creative industries; e) raise the average income of those employed in this field; and f) attract freelancers and creative start-ups to set up, live and work in the UAE. To achieve those objectives, it focuses on 40 initiatives covering three main segments: i) talents and creatives; ii) professionals and business environment; and iii) enabling the business environment.?

The strategy is based on partnerships between the public and private sectors to implement comprehensive programmes that will enhance the UAE’s position as a global destination for a knowledge-economy based on creativity, innovation, talent and technology.?


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