The PayTM story...
Imagine during an evening walk, you forgot to carry your wallet with you and you are hungry.?
But that's hardly an issue when you're carrying your phone and Paytm is there to remind you "Paytm Karo".
The story of Paytm, A Thread by @GrabNGrasp
1/ On the 8th of July 1973, Vijay Shekhar Sharma @vijayshekhar was born in a small village of Aligarh city in a poor family.?
His father was a humble school teacher, his mother was a housewife, and had three siblings with him.
2/ Vijay's profound knowledge helped him to pass Higher Secondary at the age of 14 only.
He asked his mother that he wanted to be an engineer so he need to take classes in English language.
His mother denied it & told him that they do not have enough resources.
3/ He holds an engineering degree from the prestigious Delhi Institute of Technology.?
As per him, if any person used to study in a Hindi-Medium school, that person had to face many difficulties.
4/ During his time at Delhi Technological University, he expressed his life similar to a popular Bollywood movie named "Tare Zameen Par".?
That is he could see the lips of his teachers moving, but he could not understand a single word.
5/ While preparing for the exams, he and his friends would read the answers & not understand the questions because the questions were written in the English language.
6/ He failed in the first year of Engineering due to his non-proficiency in English.
Language had become one of the toughest barriers in the path of his success.
Hence, he taught himself to read, write and speak English.
7/ The turning point in his life was when he went to a market one Sunday and picked up a Forbes magazine.
He came to know about the success stories of mega-brands like Apple, Intel, HP, and how they became one of the biggest names in the startup ecosystem.
8/ Each of the companies had one thing in common and that is, all of them were built from basement garages.
Later, he wanted to go to silicon valley. But, due to his financial condition, that was not possible.
9/ Vijay thought that even if he couldn't go to Silicon Valley, he could create one in India.
Hence, he started an internet company during his college days in around 1997 with his friend Hari. The website was indiasite(dot)net which was a search engine for a company.
10/ Both of them wanted to develop a search engine and they knew the fact that the search engine would become the main attraction given for the internet that was taking giant strides in the technology circuit during that time.
11/ However, Vijay's parents made him join a real job, but, his strong determination towards developing a new company never tied him to stay in the traditional job for a long period.
12/ In 2001, Vijay Shekhar opened his own company named One97 Communications which provided a search facility for people.
Vijay Shekhar also became one of the youngest businessmen in India.
He took a loan of Rs. 8 lakh in the year 2000 to start this company.
13/ To expand One97 Communications, he took loans from various banks, many times on the higher principal interest rate of 24%.
Due to this, the income from the company evaporated mostly in paying the interest rate and rent of his house.
14/ The value of money can be understood by the man who himself has starved and craved for a penny.
That is why Vijay understands the importance of money that money is a key factor in everybody’s life.
15/ There had been a time in his life when he did no money to buy two cups of tea in winter.
He has walked kilometers just to save the money for the next day’s breakfast.
He even had to skip meals to save some bucks!
16/ He sold about 40 percent of the company for just Rs 8 lakh to an angel investor.
That was a hard time for Vijay because his sister’s marriage was coming up and he wanted to secure that marriage.
17/ There was a big problem for the family as his father, even though being clean on the loan defaulters sheet was not granted a loan of 2 lakhs.
Hence, by taking up inspiration, he wanted to build a consumer brand.
18/ The platform which will resolve the issues of the poor and economically backward sections of the society.
The platform will be built for a shopkeeper and auto-rickshaw driver who is never respected or liked by any financial institution.
19/ The Board of Directors said that the profit of One97 Communications needs to be invested in something worthy of the venture as they cannot keep the dividends for a long period.
20/ Vijay took tour of the whole world & reached Beijing.
There he encountered that Beijing was vastly growing in terms of technology.
He started to see that every number is a hundred times bigger than India.
He felt if a country like China can do this, then why can’t India.
21/ It was there when the idea to build a payment platform came to his mind.
The Board rejected the idea. They believed that cash is king in India & the countrymen won’t approve the digital transaction.
Vijay was given an amount of Rs 5 crores for 6 months to take a chance.
22/ On 8th July 2010, an online website was launched called Paytm(dot)com (The short form for “Pay Through Mobile”) under its parent company One97 Communications.
Initially, it served only from online prepaid mobile and online DTH facilities.
23/ Within a couple of days, it popularised among people due to its paying facility of electricity bill, water bill, and gas bill facility.
Paytm made people’s life easy.
Within 2 years, users increased to 2 lakh 50 thousand. Paytm had become popular name in e-commerce world.
24/ In 2014, Paytm (@Paytm) launched Paytm wallet and initially the Indian railways and Uber accepted the concept of wallet for payment and others followed the league.
Paytm needed to raise funds and in October, Sharma flew to Beijing to see if Ma was interested.
25/ Through Ant Group, Ma ended up investing $500 million in the business for a 25% stake.
By mid-2016, there were around 140 million wallets on the platform, up from 40 million at the beginning of 2015.
26/ On 8th November 2016, the phenomenal step of demonetization was taken by the Indian Government.
It boomed the digital revolution in India and hence Paytm. Paytm witnessed colossal usage.
27/ During demonetization, Paytm worked and completed 600 days’ work in only 60 days.
Its users increased to 200 million by November 2017.
28/ Paytm has been authorized as a licensed “payments bank” for several years.
In August 2015, it received a license, allowing it to offer savings and current accounts, remittance services, third-party mutual fund sales, insurance, and pension products.
29/ In May 2017, Paytm launched its payments bank with wallet customers migrated over by default.
Paytm payment bank became the first bank in India to offer a zero-balance current account facility.
The initial investment of Paytm was $2 billion in Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
30/ Paytm has established itself as one of the most popular online payment methods.
This recognition is not something that you can acquire in a few days, a lot of hard work is required.
Paytm has also put in a great deal of hard work to make its tagline 'Paytm Karo' popular.
31/ Paytm has investments from various groups and its biggest shareholder is the ANT group:
32/ A look at the financials of Paytm:
33/ Vijay Shekhar Sharma's net worth is around $2.3 billion.
Success never comes easy.
This warm-hearted and sincere entrepreneur made his dream come true to create billion dollars from the past when he used to have only Rs. 10 in his wallet.
34/ Today Paytm is not just a payments app it is a Payment App, an E-commerce platform, an entertainment platform, a financial services platform, and an app store.
Indeed Vijay Shekhar Sharma is creating a Search Engine for all services through Paytm.
1. Your hard work will not bear fruit in one day but one day, it will surely do.
2. Hurdles do come, all you can do is find a way through.
here is the original thread:
#fintech #paytm #vijayshekhar #ratneshjain #grabngasp #upi #rbi #ppi #wallet