Payment Required To Play This Song
From The Mind of Devine Taylor
Payment Required To Play This Song
The heart of a musician’s imagination is broader than a kaleidoscope of colors. Their dreams cast life like images that inspires songs and compositions. Those images provoke movements of emotions that cast new realities on those who are influenced by such mastery.
So I ask the throngs of fans and admires of great poetise, why should there be any discrepancies when an artists adds a worth to their melodies? Don’t you know that creative- therapy has a price!
When music is applied to life there is a healing which is invaluable.
Edouard Leon Scott De Martinsville who invented the recording had an idea that by capturing sound creative artists would be compensated for their work. Therefore when passerby’s hears these oeuvres they would gladly surrender their coinage to this imaginary moment of gleeful bliss.
Its time to summon all musicians and artists alike, to come together and stand on the fact that its your right to ask for a toll for your recordings!
Music should not be a segregated privilege for a few artists who are backed by corporate. This doesn’t entitle them to be the only one’s worthy of getting paid. Every creator should be giving this privilege to earn a living from his or her oeuvres.
I ask everyone to heed this “ Call To Action “ and say we won’t give our songs, publishing , licensing or compositions away in hopes of a dream.
Tags : Devine Taylor, Morning Music Inspiration , Music Biz Mentor