Payment pre validation
Sathyamurthy Subramanian
Banking & Payment Professional (SWIFT, RTP, ACH, FEDWIRE, ISO20022, SEPA, TARGET 2), FX treasury management, and trade finance. Trainer in Banking and Soft skills. Registered Independent Director (IICA)
Friction in the payments system costs the industry more than $2bn every year, affecting over 700 million transactions. But much of this friction is the result of avoidable errors, such as typos and formatting errors. Payment Pre-validation puts these problems in the past, utilising API technology and best-in-class data sources to validate key information before a payment is sent. The result? Frictionless payments, fewer delays, and happier customers.
Friction points.
ü? Payment initiated by the Customer --- The bank’s customer inputs information that could stop or slow down the payment or have it returned to them, for example they enter the incorrect account number or a beneficiary account which has closed, meaning the payment is returned when it is processed by the creditor agent.
ü? Payment handled by Intermediary bank -- The intermediary bank receives sanctions hit when it screens the payment. This requires the payment to be paused as the bank performs additional checks and requests further information from the debtor agent.
ü? Payment received by Creditor Agent -- One leg of the payment happens outside of rails with embedded tracking, which means that all parties in the chain lose 24/7 visibility on where it is.
ü? Recipient receives the payment --The customer of the debtor agent forgets to add an invoice number to the payment, meaning when the creditor receives it, they have difficulties reconciling it in their back office.
Before sending a payment, banks can check the validity of the beneficiary account by comparing it against our vast library of transaction data – that’s over 9 billion payments travelling between 4 billion accounts every single year. Data is secure and centralised, meaning you can pre-validate payments against all historical transactions – whether you’re sending them to a long-term banking partner or a new bank on your books.
Checks are completed in real time via APIs, so pre-validating payments will only save time and reduce friction.
What is payment pre validation?
Payment Pre-validation is an innovative solution that seeks to reduce errors and mistakes in payment messages before they’re sent. By pre-validating payments upfront, you can eliminate friction, reduce delays and deliver a seamless payment experience to your customers.
What checks does Payment Pre-validation perform?
Payment Pre-validation is an API suite consisting of three main areas. These can be accessed in a single product and consist of:
There is currently no graphical user interface for this solution. Instead, it is entirely operated by exchanging API calls.
Does Payment Pre-validation require universal adoption before it can be effective?
This feature is called ‘Central Beneficiary Account Verification’. It harnesses Swift transaction data to verify that account information is correct, instead of relying on members of our community to do so.
This means the solution doesn’t require universal adoption to be effective but can deliver real value from day one. And as more users sign up and contribute their data, the solution will only become better at delivering a frictionless payments experience.
How do I connect and implement Payment Pre-validation?
Payment Pre-validation can be used independently from the actual execution of a payment. To use it, you’ll need to be able to exchange API calls – either through a secure internet connection or via our API infrastructure. Connectivity options include our Software Development Kit or Microgateway. Learn more about how you can?connect to our API channel.
Which messages are compatible with Payment Pre-validation?
The service works across all payment formats, including MT-based messages and ISO 20022. This means that you won’t need to install any updates to account for new message formats once the industry has migrated to ISO 20022.
Will Swift be integrating Payment Pre-validation with gpi?
Payment Pre-validation is not a gpi-specific service, meaning that it can be used to pre-validate all payments on the Swift network. The advantage of this is that it can help reduce errors for all payments going over the Swift network or on any domestic market infrastructure.?
Payments Pre-validation adds an extra layer of predictability to every transfer you send, making it far less likely that they’ll need to be returned or repaired. That means your customers spend less time waiting for their money and you spend less effort investigating exceptions.
?? Provide a predictable payments experience to your customers by validating key information upfront.
?? Stop fraudulent payments in their tracks by identifying them early, and spend fewer resources on investigations.
Source: messaging/payments/payment-pre-validation