Payment Due Date Calculation in SAP
In #SAP, this functionality can be controlled using #payment_terms. I will review that how we may control payment #due_date calculation using payment terms and what are the constraints in using the same.
SAP doesn't store due date in database tables but stores the baseline date (BSEG-ZFBDT). Due date is calculated based on base line date and payment terms. Since base date = due date, in some cases the payment term is not set correctly .
#Payment_due_date is function of two different variables configured in SAP. First is baseline date and other is payment terms.
Due date = Base Line Date + X no of days
The flow of billing date information happened in SD-FI interface from invoice document to accounting document.
From ECC version 4.6, SAP has revoked the functionality to use any date for #baseline_date. Now standard SAP #s4hana considers billing date (document date) as the baseline date by default irrespective of the settings .
Payment due date can be calculated by calling any standard functional module .
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