Payment Attempt Threshold Task - SepCT
Tausief Shaikh ??
Head of Technology | Project management, HighPerformance, Design & Architecture, Leadership
Hello Team, Along with SepCT Project batch members, we discussed below functional task:
Highlevel development actions:
? Create Jira Task with the UserStory
? Create a feature branch from master & start working in the feature branch
? While inserting data in DB, insert the email.
? While making payment, write a Validation Rule which-check the attempts based on the past x hours, and give the attempt count.
? And Validation rule raises the expectation mentioned in the requirement.
? Try to test multiple possibilities.. like whether the proper last x hrs of data is coming.. for testing.. you can change it to few minutes and do live testing if the queries are working properly. Boundary case testing is important.
? Once everything is done, demo it to your team
? Raise pull request and merge the code to master, if its working successfully.
? Mark Jira ticket as DONE.
Task breakdown
- Alter table merchant_payment_request add, email column.
- Populated existing emails by json processing the request.
- make java modifications to pass email during insert into merchant_payment_request
- Add email field MerchantPaymentRequest
- DuplicateTransactionValidator.40
- Configuraable values in the property X & Y
- Create a new Validation logic: implements Validator
- Get the count from DB, match it with threashold. & decide whether to throw excpetion
- Fit your newly added Validation to the existing validation framework - Propertyfile, enums, errorcode
- DAO layer, to have
- public interface MerchantPaymentRequestDao
- int getUserPaymentAttempts(String email, int noOfhrs);
- In implementation, date formats, current time - noOfhrs
- select count(*)
- Testing