Paying for a gym membership and not using it
I recently had a consultation with a lady, who said she had only used her gym membership 4 or 5 times in the last year even though it cost her €60 per month.
That, unfortunately, meant she had paid €720 in the last 12 months for only 4-5 workouts, ouch!
During our discussion, we identified 4 main issues:
1: Low energy
2: No support or accountability
3: Not prioritising herself
4: Not enough time
She hadn't been using it much because she was super busy.
Between working full time and taking care of her kids she really only had either 7:30-8:15am or 6-8pm for herself Monday to Friday.
When she got home from work each day her energy levels were a 4/10 which meant she never could motivate herself to go to the gym.
She had no support or accountability which meant she couldn't stay consistent.
This lady felt like she was stuck in a rut, and she was also feeling guilty because she had spent all this money on a gym membership that she had hardly ever used.
She was stuck in a vicious cycle that was leaving her frustrated.
What most people need is support and accountability from a coach to stay on track not a gym membership.
One of the other main issues is not having enough time.
Going to a gym takes 1.5-2 hours when you account for driving there, finding parking, putting your bag in a locker, doing the workout, and driving back home again.
That's time that this lady just doesn't have.
That's why I run all of my classes and 1-1 sessions via Zoom/Whatsapp and why lots of women get great results.
They can join a 30 min class in the morning, lunchtime or evening 2-3x per week without wasting that extra hour getting to and from the gym.
So now they get their workouts done, they have time for self-care and they also get back 2-3 hours every week to spend however they like.
2-3 hours each week is an extra 104 hours each year, which is 4 days!
Food for thought.
If you would like to reclaim those 104 hours hit the link below to book a free consultation.
Kind Regards,
Elan "Don't waste your money on a membership you never use" Darcy