Paying down student loan debt for recent veterinary graduates & students
Video message related to offsetting debt for recent veterinary graduates and students.
Copy and paste link or click below.
When we meet with veterinary students there are a couple of things we always notice:
1. We are always impressed with their level of passion and dedication for the veterinary industry.
2. We are surprised that many haven’t heard “the numbers” associated with market size and potential.
3. We are amazed at how much student loan / debt many have to assume in order to pursue their goal of becoming a veterinarian.
We are excited about the quality of candidate that pursues veterinary care as a profession, and we can assure you there is a substantial market of pets that need care, but aren’t getting it. We also know that debt can be stressful, and even though we think down-time away from work is important, we believe there is a path that doesn’t consume your time off, while helping you earn extra money and more importantly provide care to animals in need.
Also, before you sign a non-compete, you may want to watch the short video posted below by one of our founders… it’s directed toward retired veterinarians, but the message about a non-compete is the same. Copy and paste link or click below.