Paying Back by Paying it forward!
L. Aruna Dhir
Author of Best-selling Memoir 'Hotel Adventures with the Stars,' International Hospitality Writer, PR Virtuoso, Poet, YouTube Show Host
First things first, deep gratitude to you my friends from the bottom of my heart for all the kind wishes, thoughts and blessings. I feel hugely better.
Now for a big word of thankfulness for someone who has showed to me what real friendship is all about, even when you have not met the person in aeons of time or spoken to them at length in several years.
At the beginning of the month, my phone rang with nervous energy. A friend wanted me to call her back immediately. All kinds of thoughts raced through my mind.
Mercifully, that friend followed the call with a self-explanatory WhatsApp message. The dear School / College friend was throwing an impromptu Dinner at her residence and wanted to invite me for that.
But I had already been quite ill and laid up in bed for the last many days so a message of regret was sent to her via my niece on the Group she had specially created for the Dinner.
Another School friend, who was part of the Group and had read my message, began calling me up.
Was I feeling fine?
What was wrong with me?
Would I speak with her Husband please?
The friend was concerned, and unrelenting in her reaching out to me.
It ended with a crescendo of messages when she urged, "Speak to Ashutosh, Aruna. I have told him about you."
This special friend, who has impressed upon me the meaning of real friendship and displayed so much of kindness is Ashima Shukla, my school time friend.
Today, Ashima is a mind body medicine practitioner, health coach, wellness consultant, the first BAH (Bio resonance Analysis of Health) practitioner in India, and a trained psychological counsellor. Ashima has trained at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at the Harvard Medical School. Ashima is also the Founder and CEO of Prana - The Integrative Medicine Institute.
When Ashima was urging me to tell her what all I was going through I was already hitting rock bottom.
Having initially thought I had the regular viral fever, I had taken some general pills and antibiotics after consulting our permanent Chemist.
But the fever had refused to leave me, with the chart starting at 100 degree and spiking to 103 every day, for days strung together. Together with it came its stubborn allies - headache, body ache
We then consulted our regular GP, who will remain identified only as Dr. G. He changed my medication but gave me another set of painkillers, antibiotics and the like.
And my condition kept worsening.
Upon quizzing, he told my Husband to rush me and get me admitted into a Hospital. He feared that waste fluid had begun to make its ugly presence felt in my abdomen and that I may require surgery.
For half a day, frantic calls went back and forth. And I got more psyched out by the minute.
The only silver lining through these Nimbus clouds of despair and desperation was that my fever had come down to 99+ after a spate of 10 odd days.
But I was sick like a little puppy.
I had not eaten properly in days. In 10 days, I had only consumed one chapati. My daily diet was reduced to a couple of biscuits, one-third bowl of papaya or mango and few spoonfuls of soup.
So, on that fateful day, at the behest of Ashima, at the unearthly hour of a-quarter-to-eleven, neckingly close to midnight, I spoke with Ashutosh, her Husband.
Ashutosh happens to be Dr. Ashutosh Shukla, one of the brightest minds in Internal Medicine, a consultant at Max Hospitals and a co-Founder of Prana. Dr. Ashutosh Shukla is regarded as one of the finest Physicians in India.
(Some of you friends had asked me about the Rockstar Doctor, who helped me get back. So here is his introduction).
But for me, he was my friend's husband I was speaking with.
The first thing he said to me, immediately put my mind to rest. He told me there was no need for hospitalization, and surgery was out of the question. It was like he was applying a virtual balm on my frayed and agitated mind and bringing succour to my soul.
The second thing he said, after patiently listening to my ordeal, was that I had also suffered a severe attack of drug-induced Gastritis along with Viral / COVID.
(I had refused to get the RTPCR done at the ask of Dr. G, as I have adenoids and am petrified of the process. In any case, I was almost in isolation so posed no threat to others).
Dr. Shukla asked me to stop all medicines immediately, put me on some mild drugs to take care of the Gastritis, and ordered some bloodwork.
The days that followed turned into a period of recuperation.
Today, I feel much better and find myself scaling out of the hellish hole I had found myself in a fortnight or twenty days back.
There are some nagging issues - like the persistent cough and some stomach-related issue.
And yes, the weakness is still a tad debilitating. But as compared to before, I am running a Marathon in my head.
I have been asked to get an Ultrasound done. (To be fair to Dr. G, even he had suggested one).
Like I said in my earlier post, please do not ignore even minor symptoms. The air is beset with several viral infections - COVID, Long-term COVID, Dengue, Monkeypox....and what have you. You cannot be more cautious.
So, err on the side of extreme carefulness.
And always get a second opinion when the prognosis shocks you from one quarter.
And yes, be grateful every day for all the small and big things.
And for friendships that stand the test of time and that stay real, no matter what. What a fine lesson, you have imparted Ashima Shukla
As a sort of payback, we have inducted a new trooper into our street babies family. Kalu No.2 will be fed by us on a daily basis and that brings our number to a happy six.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
The picture below is symbolic. It was taken about a month back before I came down with the bug.
But I hope to get back to it soon!!!
Stay well everyone!