Paying Attention to Awareness
Deepesh Saxena
Technology & Business Alignment Expert | Cyber Security, IT Infrastructure and Managed Service Provider | Human-Tech Advisor
What does it mean? And does it make any sense? Attention, awareness, are these just words? And if so, what is behind the word or in the word that we want to understand?
Words are an outcome of thought. We use them to describe what is in the ‘mind’. We use them to differentiate between one thought and another. So how does attention differ from awareness? It’s the focus. Right? So in attention, we focus on one thing or something whereas in awareness we are not focused on one thing but rather are aware of many things.
So when we pay attention to awareness; we are trying to focus on many things without paying attention to any one thing. Words, words, and more words. But don’t get confused. Because that is what we humans have been doing to ourselves for ages. Let’s just ignore words and learn to look beyond them and understand what ‘is’ that we want to know.
Attention is past and awareness is now/present. The present is all that exists. There ‘IS’ no past. It ‘was’. So paying attention to awareness is the only way we know, to understand ‘now’. But again we are trying to know the present from the lens of the past. So we are only seeing the past and no wonder, it becomes the future. Hence we always find the past repeating itself.
Awareness or being ‘in the now’ is only possible when there is no identity or self. Because identity is the past. It has formed and we continue to build on it because we only know the past (knowledge). And that gives us a false security and doesn’t allow us to let go. Hence we keep building on it. Also why we are only paying attention and not being aware?