Payer Profitability Tool

Payer Profitability Tool

Some folks have asked me if we have a resource that we can share for evaluating payer profitability? We do. This Excel tool allows you to measure how well each #payer is doing compared to other #payers and overall.

It also allows billing staff to make sure each payment is what it should be.? For negotiating #managedcarecontracts, this report can provide a quick look at how a proposed contract compares to existing contracts and whether, upon renewal, certain fees need to be addressed. You can also determine the cost vs. benefit of adding a new service.

CodeToolz created this Payer Profitability Tool, as part of our Member Resource Center, to assist contract management staff in evaluating payer profitability. Use it at your leisure. Enjoy.

You do not need a Box account to access this resource. Here you go:

The Physician's Advocate in Payer Contracting

CodeToolz is about keeping insurance payers accountable. Most practices are not getting the rates required to keep up with inflation. If you haven’t negotiated your reimbursement rates in the last three years, you’re leaving money on the table.

We Bring 30 Years of Successful Negotiations with Payers

Contact Us Today (512) 787-1852 or Schedule Your Free Consultation / Demo here.


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