Pay-for-Performance Plans: How to Attract and Retain the Best Employees

Pay-for-Performance Plans: How to Attract and Retain the Best Employees

“Pay for performance” (P4P) bonus plans can help any business attract and retain high-achieving employees. A well-designed program creates a win-win dynamic that boosts the take-home pay of top performers while fattening the employer’s bottom line.

Plans must be introduced carefully by establishing achievable goals while ensuring that workers maintain loyalty to a company’s core values. Here’s how to make a Pay for Performance plan work in your business.

Why P4P plans are Back on Employer Radars

Skilled workers are hard to find…and keep. Little wonder employers are taking a fresh look at so-called “pay-for-performance” arrangements that link part of employee compensation to workplace achievement.

Such programs attract A players with the promise of big rewards for results that boost the bottom line.

“Pay for performance programs are powerful motivators,” says Mae Lon Ding, president of Personnel Systems Associates. “They guide employees by highlighting what is really important in their job positions. And they demonstrate that working at the peak of an individual’s abilities will be worth the effort.”

Incentive pay has important advantages over seniority-based salary hikes and year-end bonus plans.

“Under traditional compensation programs, employees realize that if they are good enough to survive, they will earn the same pay as the company’s best performers,” explains Steven P. Lentini, Corporate Leadership and Sales Coach. That realization, according to Lentini, encourages mediocrity and dampens the morale of a company’s top talent who end up jumping ship for the competition.

In contrast, the measurable nature of P4P programs helps build an achievement-based work culture, while ensuring that management and staff are on the same page when it comes to goals, expectations, and outcomes. They can even improve a company’s system of employee review.

“A P4P program can really help companies weed out underperformers, reward the top players and identify those in the middle of the pack,” says Catherine Rymsha, visiting lecturer of management at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.

Finally, compensation-based pay holds a special attraction to the fastest-growing segment of the prospect pool: Gen Zers. “People in their 20s have very clear expectations about how they want to control their careers,” says Daniel P. Moynihan, Managing Director at Pearl Meyer. “Giving them a modicum of compensation control does just that.”

Avoid Pitfalls

As attractive as they are, P4P programs can be tricky to design well. Poorly implemented ones fail to reward good performers adequately, leading to costly morale issues.

The biggest cause of failure is a lack of sufficient attention to the critical task of carefully selecting performance goals, while presenting them in the moderating context of larger company values.

“I think the biggest reason that performance-based compensation programs don't work is that the managers have not identified the possibility of unintended consequences,” warns Chad Prinkey, founder and CEO of Well Built Construction Consulting.

“It’s great that people become focused on unlocking additional performance-based compensation. But what happens when they pursue the bonus at all costs, throwing other business priorities aside?”

Prinkey gives an example: “It can be dangerous to have project managers and superintendents earn additional compensation solely on profitability. They have way more responsibilities than that, including quality and safety.”

Too much emphasis on the bottom line, in other words, can backfire in the form of rising accidents, shoddy customer service, and defective goods.

And how about the costly ramifications of salespeople who push too hard? “Employees too attached to outcomes can fall into the trap of pushing too aggressively for revenues, with the result that customers get turned off,” cautions Lentini. “Or they might drop prices to make their revenue targets but end up losing money.”

How can employers avoid those pitfalls? Later in this article we will provide an answer to this question. First, though, here are general guidelines from workplace experts:

  • Encourage employee buy-in. P4P initiatives will only work if employees are enthused about the possibilities. Encourage their investment in the program by involving them in the initial planning stages, working one-on-one to develop performance parameters that are appropriate, realistic, and inspiring.

“Let subordinates suggest how they can achieve measurable results that will support larger departmental and company-wide objectives,” suggests Ding.

  • Think outside the box. While most people think first of revenue goals, other categories can be equally important. How about productivity levels? Cost reductions? Quality as measured by error levels and customer feedback?
  • Create achievable goals. “A rule of thumb is that employees should feel they have an 80 percent probability of achieving their assigned standards or objectives,” according to Ding.

“So, it's really important for managers to convince their people that the bar has been set correctly, that they have a high probability of success, and that supervisors will help them succeed.”

  • Set meaningful percentages. The percentage of total pay accounted for by P4P programs will vary substantially. The trick is to offer compensation that is not so low that it fails to motivate performance but not so high that it affects company profits.

“The correct percentage is a function primarily of an individual job’s ability to influence a company’s key performance indicators (KPIs),” explains Ding. The greater the potential of a certain position to control a KPI, the higher the incentive pay percentage.

Salespeople very often enjoy the highest incentive pay. “It’s not unusual for bonuses in the sales department to come to 50 to 100 percent of base pay,” according to Lentini. Percentages tend to run lower in other departments, typically varying from 5 to 30 percent.

  • Proceed slowly. Gradually introducing a P4P program can keep employees from reacting negatively. “When you rush a program, things get missed and people get upset,” relates Lentini.

To determine what works and what doesn’t in a particular work environment, companies are advised to begin with test programs that last a year or more and reward performance with praise and personnel file entries rather than money.

“Periodically give employees reports show what they are making under the company’s old compensation program and what that would look like under the new one,” adds Lentini. “This allows them to see what behaviors they will need to adjust.”

Communicate Values

Now let’s address the problem mentioned earlier in this article: How can P4P arrangements reward high performers while discouraging the pursuit of performance goals at the expense of other business priorities? The solution is to hinge incentive pay on conformance to a company’s larger values.

Consider the example of the salesperson who becomes overly aggressive with customers in order to meet a revenue goal. “Employers need to continually communicate that today’s sales methodology is to help people buy,” advises Lentini. “The salesperson needs to listen to customers and solve their problems.”

Judging how well employees conform to company values can be more difficult than clocking measurable job tasks. Here’s where customer surveys can help.

At many companies, relates Ding, feedback from third parties accounts for 10 percent of the total performance assessment for many job positions, with performance-based assessments making up the other 90 percent. There are exceptions, she notes. “Feedback surveys might account for 50 percent to 60 percent of the assessment at customer service jobs.”

Third-party reports are not a panacea.

“The challenge with customer metrics is that people only chime in when somebody does an exceptional job or a less-than-good job,” explains Rymsha. “In the middle zone, people typically don’t have much of an opinion and tend to sit on the sidelines.”

An alternative to customer feedback, or perhaps an adjunct, is a so-called “values scorecard,” which supervisors utilize to assess how well an employee’s actions align with a company’s guiding principles.

Depending on the job position, such values might include:

  • Customer-centered decision making,
  • Teamwork,
  • Communications skills,
  • Ethics,
  • Kindness,
  • Attendance,
  • Punctuality, and
  • ?Safety

“An employee’s eligibility for a performance-based bonus may hinge on how well they have met the employer’s larger cultural and ethical requirements,” says Prinkey.

?How Good Is Your Incentive Pay Plan?

?Take this complimentary online assessment of the 10 factors that make up a good plan. You'll find out how you scored and what to do about any areas that need improvement. This Yes/No questionnaire only takes a minute or two to complete.

Reward Everyone

Assessing the job performance of the sales staff and others with measurable duties may be relatively straightforward. But how can P4P arrangements reward those in supporting roles such as receptionists, office managers, bookkeepers, and accountants?

“Probably the hardest people in any business to include in an incentive pay program are the administrative professionals,” says Moynihan. “It's really difficult to come up with scalable measurements for employees with multiple concurrent tasks who keep the train running for everyone else.”

Moynihan suggests trying to isolate little slices of such jobs that can improve efficiency, reduce costs, or enhance customer service. Does a receptionist answer the phone within two rings to decrease the client wait time? Has a bookkeeper reduced the costs of paper, ink, and other office materials? Has a secretary taken the initiative to update digital calendars and make needed appointments?

If all else fails, the employer can pull the support staff into a higher-level bonus system based on overall profitability.

“A company-wide pool can be established for those who are not in direct revenue generating kind of roles,” offers Prinkey. “Their eligibility for the awards can hinge on the results of their values scorecards.”

Well-designed P4P programs can attract top performers to a company and retain them with incentive bonuses linked to measurable goals that support a company’s overriding principles. But top management must be sold on the potential of such a program to drive company success.

“An incentive payment program has to start with the CEO being a true believer. Otherwise, line managers will not take the program seriously,” warns Ding.

How Good Is Your Incentive Pay Plan?

Take this quick Yes/No assessment of the 10 factors your plan should cover and get suggestions based on your score. It’s complimentary and you’ll be emailed a copy of your results for future reference. Take the Assessment

Reward Everyone

Assessing the job performance of the sales staff and others with measurable duties may be relatively straightforward. But how can P4P arrangements reward those in supporting roles such as receptionists, office managers, bookkeepers, and accountants?

“Probably the hardest people in any business to include in an incentive pay program are the administrative professionals,” says Moynihan. “It's really difficult to come up with scalable measurements for employees with multiple concurrent tasks who keep the train running for everyone else.”

Moynihan suggests trying to isolate little slices of such jobs that can improve efficiency, reduce costs, or enhance customer service. Does a receptionist answer the phone within two rings to decrease the client wait time? Has a bookkeeper reduced the costs of paper, ink, and other office materials? Has a secretary taken the initiative to update digital calendars and make needed appointments?

If all else fails, the employer can pull the support staff into a higher-level bonus system based on overall profitability.

“A company-wide pool can be established for those who are not in direct revenue generating kind of roles,” offers Prinkey. “Their eligibility for the awards can hinge on the results of their values scorecards.”

Well-designed P4P programs can attract top performers to a company and retain them with incentive bonuses linked to measurable goals that support a company’s overriding principles. But top management must be sold on the potential of such a program to drive company success.

“An incentive payment program has to start with the CEO being a true believe. Otherwise, line managers will not take the program seriously,” warns Ding.

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Todd Masters 678-822-1691

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