The Pay Equity Act is Coming, Here's What RI Employers Can Expect
The Rhode Island Pay Equity Act (the “Act”) was enacted in 2021 and is finally set to go into effect on January 1, 2023.?The Act is a broad piece of legislation that applies to?every employer.
Here is a summary of the Act’s main provisions and what actions employers may want to take in order to mitigate risk of legal exposure. ?
Equal Pay in Rhode Island
The Act prohibits an employer from paying one employee at a rate less than an employee of another “race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, age (40 or over), or country of ancestral origin” (“Protected Class”) for the performance of “comparable work”, unless the employer can demonstrate that the wage differential is justified by one of the exceptions set forth in the Act. ?The list of protected classes is so broad that one can envision that the Act in some ways prohibits paying anyone doing comparable work differently than anyone else because every employee can look at a coworker and point out that they are in at least one different Protected Class.?
Pay includes nearly all forms of compensation and even includes employee benefits. However, the Act sensibly excludes both tips and overtime pay.
In looking at their pay practices, the employer should want to be comparing apples to apples by segregating employees in groups that perform comparable work.?“Comparable work” requires “substantially similar skill, effort, and responsibility, and is performed under similar working conditions.” ??A job title is not alone determinative.?Jobs must be reviewed “as a whole” and “minor differences in skill, effort, or responsibility” will not prevent two jobs from being considered “comparable.”?
If two workers are performing “comparable work”, the Act provides only a limited set of reasons that may justify the employer paying the two workers differently.?For example, while two employees maybe have the exact same job, it is likely the person with more experience or seniority is paid more.?The Act sets forth a list of justifiable reasons for any pay differential.?
Additional constraints on the employer’s ability to justify a wage differential are as follows:
Consequences for Unlawful Wage Differentials
The consequences for violating the Act’s prohibition against wage differentials are significant. Employees and former employees may file claims against employers for alleged violations of the Act with either the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training (“RIDLT”) or in court, and claim damages in the form of unpaid wages and/or benefits, compensatory damages, and liquidated damages in an amount up to two (2) times the amount of unpaid wages and/or benefits owed, as well as an award of appropriate equitable relief, including reinstatement of employment, fringe benefits and seniority rights, and reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.
The Act places a unique procedural hurdle for individuals wishing to file complaints in that prior to filing a complaint, employees and former employees must provide employers with written notice of their intent to commence legal action at least forty-five (45) days prior to filing the complaint. Presumably, this pre-filing requirement is designed to give employers the opportunity to investigate their pay practices and the chance to resolve potential claims without intervention from the courts or the RIDLT.
In addition, an employer found to have violated the Act may face a civil penalty to be paid to the RIDLT ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 depending upon the amount of previous violations of the Act, if any. The Act gives employers two (2) years of breathing room as no civil penalties can be assessed from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024.
Affirmative Defense or Safe Harbor
The Act provides an avenue for an employer to be completely absolved from liability against legal action for wage differentials where the employer can demonstrate that it conducted a “good faith self-evaluation” of its pay practices within the previous two (2) years and prior to commencement of the action, and if it can show that any unlawful wage differentials revealed by the self-evaluation were eliminated. To be eligible for this affirmative defense, the elimination of the wage differentials must occur within ninety (90) days from the completion of the self-evaluation.
An employer's self-evaluation may consist of the employer's own design or via a template to be issued by the RIDLT (employers should consult the RIDLT website for its current guidance and templates, which may be updated on a periodic basis). Moreover, the scope and detail of the self-evaluation must reflect the exercise of “due diligence” by the employer to identify, prevent, and mitigate violations of the Act in light of the employer’s size. In determining whether an employer exercises “due diligence,” the factors courts and the RIDLT will consider include, but are not limited to: (i) whether the evaluation includes all relevant jobs and employees within those relevant jobs; (ii) whether the employer's analysis makes a reasonable effort to identify similar jobs and employees using a consistent, fact-based approach; (iii) whether the employer has tested explanatory factors for an unbiased and relevant relationship to pay; (iv) whether the evaluation takes into account all reasonably relevant and available information; and (v) whether the evaluation is reasonably sophisticated in its analysis of potentially comparable work, employee compensation, and the application of the permissible reasons for wage differentials under the Act. An employer’s failure to retain the records necessary to show the manner in which it evaluated and applied these factors may give rise to an inference that the employer did not exercise due diligence in conducting its self-evaluation.
Interestingly, the Act places an expiration date on this affirmative defense—June 30, 2026. Thereafter, an employer that has conducted a good faith self-evaluation and eliminated any unlawful wage differentials will not be liable for compensatory or liquidated damages or civil penalties, but it may still be liable for any amount of unpaid wages owed. To avoid all liability even after the June 30, 2026 expiration, the Act makes clear that employers that have conducted a good faith self-evaluation, eliminated any unlawful wage differentials,?and have compensated its employees for any unpaid wages owed under the Act?will have a complete affirmative defense to all liability.
Wage History and Wage Range
In a very separate provision, but also with the intention of promoting equal pay, the Act prohibits employers from: (i) relying on the wage history of an applicant both when deciding whether to consider the applicant for employment as well as when determining what amount of wages to pay the applicant upon hire; (ii) requiring that an applicant's prior wages satisfy minimum or maximum criteria as a condition of employment; and (iii) seeking the wage history of an applicant. ?The Act does allow employers to take into consideration an applicant’s wage history after an initial offer of employment is made for the purposes of?increasing?the amount of wages initially offered to the applicant if the wage history is voluntarily provided by the applicant without prompting from the employer.
The Act also imposes a new obligation upon employers to provide the “wage range” of a position to an applicant for the position being sought upon the applicant’s request and to provide the same to an employee for a current position upon request. The Act defines “wage range” as “the wage range that the employer anticipates relying on in setting wages for the position” and it may include reference to any applicable pay scale, previously determined range of wages for the position, the actual range of wages for those currently holding equivalent positions, or the budgeted amount for the position, if any.
Employers are also prohibited from refusing to interview, hire, promote, or employ applicants for employment or employees and may not retaliate against them because they requested the wage range for a position. Employers that violate this provision will be liable for any compensatory damages not to exceed $10,000, appropriate equitable relief, and reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.
Posting Requirement
Employers are required to post a notice containing excerpts and other information about the Act for employees. The RIDLT is expected to publish a form of notice in the coming weeks and employers should consult the RIDLT website for more information.