Pay attention to your calling
Sangeeta Naik ..
Mid Senior Breakthroughs I Intuitive Habits I Leadership growth I Resourceful Influencing I Eco Advocacy I Performance tracking I Helping mid-career through stagnation to Leadership growth
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I was writing my 'why'.
It was a painful life personally and professionally.
And after 12 long years of suffering, I found the solution to be happy and earning and experiencing growth.
My husband was hugely talented, but hardly recognized, mostly because of attitudinal issues, and hence suffered from inferiority complex. I wished the world saw what I saw in him. But it was not to be.
I told him to earn doing whatever he loved doing. Join a dance school to teach, he was a grand dancer, or play instrument, or any other activity he liked doing. He even taught sociology, but somehow he never could get extension despite students adoring him so much.
I made no demand, except to urge him to start small. That he could not do,..and that surprised me.
He thought, he will lose me like he lost many things in life. So he started restricting my movement, even he objected me to go for my training for regular up-gradation that is required in professional life. . Me to upgrade perhaps meant that he would lose me quickly.
And at office I wanted promotion,; how would I have received a promotion without upgrading myself???And since the husband was not earning, I was to earn the bread, falling short of butter.
He needed pocket money for his movement and his booze. And I had difficulty in managing as children were growing up and we needed money for their education.?I had to take support from my father repeatedly, and one day my 16 year old daughter asked, " cant you people earn for yourself whatever is required?"
I do not know what he thought about this, but I knew I had to distance from this environment to be able to save. So I put my children into my patents' care and took a job at Hyderabad and that was the turn around in my life.?
I was away from my children for 10 years.?
During that time, I could execute phenomenal projects and achieve unbelievable results.?
I saved money, I raised my children.
My husband, expired 5 years back, left to himself.?He lost me.?
I think in hindsight that, if it were a happy household, I still would have stayed where I was. I would have brought my children to the level of our budget, would have compromised my dreams of their higher education.. ..
But you know, it was not to be.?I was meant for greater purpose,?it was a clear indication. And I am meant for love.?
So now I want to give what has been my experience and professional success that has led me to my purpose and happiness.?
I tell you one thing : Pay attention to your calling..?
If you won't, the universe will give you a painful story so that you will be compelled to budge.. because?the Universe will not allow you to die ordinary
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