Pay Attention
Chris Schuring
Chief Operations Officer, Strategic Planning, Consultant, Board Member, Diplomatic Executive, Author, SDG Ambassador(USA)
In the grand scheme of things we are told many things during our lifetime that stick with us for a long time. Such as, “don’t do that or your face will stay that way.” Or “Don’t step on that crack it may break your mothers back.” Well, the one I want to review today is, “Pay attention, watch what you’re doing.” I am not sure if I was every really told to pay attention, but I was shown examples of the task. It was demonstrated in actions that I viewed in life and I still do today. It means to take notice of someone or something as interesting or important, to regard, observe, heed, consider or contemplate. They say you should pay attention because you will pay in some way if you do not.
Pay attention, do we really know what that means? It sounds sort of strange when you think about it. Pay for attention, what will that get me you ask? When we pay for something we expect to get some sort of good or service in exchange, but do we when we pay attention? Yes we do, we get a service, in my humble opinion. The service is experience and knowledge that can lead to wisdom, safety and even a deeper enlightenment.
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