Pay Attention
This is the second time I am writing this because with all that is going on today, I feel it is critical that it be repeated.
Many years ago I read a book that contained the following questions and answers of the importance of the here & now…
What time is it? The answer is… It is now! Where am I? The answer is… I am here!
These two questions I ask myself repeatedly several times a week. It is an exercise of attention. It keeps me focused when I find myself drifting in thought or when I am performing a tasked that requires my absolute attention, such as… where I place my reading glasses and car keys; when driving on the expressway or tollways or driving at night; while operating power tools; while climbing a ladder or other such important things.
Distractions are the nature of the world today, interruptions from others, loud music from next door, robocalls, panic from the media’s virus scares and more. With all such distractions in mind, I recommend all continue asking & answering these two questions in order to maintain focus on the task at hand.