Paws and Reflect: A Correction on a previous post.

Paws and Reflect: A Correction on a previous post.

It's been brought to my attention that my previous post may have been misunderstood by some in the veterinary nursing community. I believe that some of this comes from a mis-translation in terms (I am American after all).

So, just to set the record straight - as anyone who knows me will attest, I have always been a champion of vet nurses and I am building a business around the fact that I believe our RVNs can do more than they are currently being asked to do. I believe they are the heart of veterinary care and should be treated as such.

What I was advocating for was to go even further than the current legislation allows and to create more certificates or diplomas beyond the RVN status and those that already exist which could create new opportunities for nurses to take on an even greater role in clinical (and digital) care.

So yes - step one is we need to let our nurses nurse to the fullest extent of their diplomas. Step two would be to give more opportunities for those who so desire to extend their qualifications.

As usual - agree or disagree, I'd love to hear from you and debate more in the comments, so please don't hesitate to reach out!


