Pause. Reflect. Act.
Sheila C. Maviala {MBA, ACC}
Brand Director; Marketing Strategist; Certified Professional & Health Coach
One of the joys of Coaching is I see the beginning and walk alongside my Coaching Client through their journey to achieve the goals they have set for themselves.
In the practice, a lot of times, major breakthroughs and moments of clarity come after stillness. It is after switching off the noise, calming the spirit and not panicking on the outcome that the greatest "a-ha" moments come through.
So today, I lean into what I've experienced through the people who have trusted me as their Coach. To be still. To take a moment.
As I sip on my coffee and take in the sun, I remove all expectations for how to achieve my desired outcome. My ambition remains great and I know I don't need to know how the journey will be, but to trust that I will get to the destination.
Have you had your moment of stillness today?