Pause in Punishment!
Sultan Akhtar Patel
International Tribunal at The Hague intervened and Jadhav's hanging stayed! Vendetta politics has its own significance between these two arch rivals where punishments are given or revenge of hitting back vowed with relations of the day in mind! Diplomacy is a sheer trite and all talks and promises of putting strained things back on the rails are like Samuel Beckett's play "Waiting for Godot'! As if leaders, politicians and diplomats all are united in keeping the situation on a powder keg.
Diplomats are licking their own spittoon where behind big show of truce lies a brute force of keeping 'status-quo' of confrontation, confusion and bloodshed so that certain quarters make their hay. Compromise stands for calm and commitment to let calmness rule! Instead, calumnies rant the air and the game of smear, lie and slender is the order of the day. Something positive happens and the return of the dragon of negatives wash ashore the half-cooked Good.
At times, it is being felt that in the name of nationalism and what not, leaders of both sides have intricately developed intentionally the climate of rumor mongering and mischief unabated to an extent that all options and avenues of good efforts are practically exhausted.
What is the solution of sanity to prevail then! Leaders of both sides must detoxify their guts full of hate, jealousy and fear of insecurity. They must learn to live together for their present and future posterity who wants nothing but moving further. The paradigms of happiness to them are making the most of what is lying in front without living in the endless weather of negative energies. They don't want their positive energies to go waste in the name of elusive peace. They need peace here and now! It is high time leaders of both sides thought of this reality of 'peaceful co-existence'.