Pause, Play, Fast-Forward
Tom De Ruyck
Chief Growth Officer & Partner at Human8 | Vice-President ESOMAR | Prof. at IéSEG | Global Keynote Speaker
How to stay connected with your consumers in challenging times. As COVID-19 is invading the world rapidly, many of us have hit the ‘pause’ button and retreated to our homes. Needless to say this new reality comes with many challenges, not only for individuals and families – think video meetings with kids running around – but also for brands.
There is no manual on how to connect and interact with your consumers in these uncertain times, but one thing is clear: with the right approach, great brands will succeed in creating new opportunities and building equity. Hence, the time has come to start thinking about how your brand will stay close to your consumers in the coming days, weeks and months, by caring and listening, adapting to the current reality, and preparing for tomorrow. In other words, brands need to pause, play and fast-forward!
PAUSE | Care & listen
These past few days, many companies sent out newsletters and emails about how they focus on their employees’ welfare while ensuring business continuity. Although a lot of effort has been put in these communications, they completely miss the point of being consumer-centric. Consumers perceive employee welfare as a hygiene factor; there is no need whatsoever to spell it out. What consumers do expect, however, is a genuine message that brands are there for them in these challenging times. TripAdvisor, the world’s largest travel platform, has well-understood this approach and states: “We care deeply about your safety, whether you are at home or traveling”, referring to their dedicated COVID-19 discussion forums.
Likewise, many brands (e.g. L’Oréal, Sony) are using their online insight communities as an additional platform to reach out to consumers, and provide them with an outlet to share their current experiences and worries. While functioning as an additional touchpoint and seizing the opportunity to gather the consumer understanding of the current reality, it ensures that research topics do not get swallowed by COVID-19 discussions.
PLAY | Adapt today
Pausing alone is not enough, however; brands need to act upon the changing reality and ensure brand relevance. Times of crisis demand a rapid anticipation of emerging frictions and needs. Materialise, a provider of 3D printing software and services for medical and manufacturing, developed a hands-free 3D-printed door opener to help avoid the spread of the virus, and has shared the design files via their website. The COVID-19 measures have impacted the day-to-day reality of many consumers, and is also challenging brands to rethink their customer experience. The Wiener Staatsoper, for example, is now opening its livestream archives, so that music lovers all over the world can enjoy opera and ballet.
These extraordinary times demand from all businesses that they learn and adapt, regardless of their size, industry or sector. Online insight communities can help brands keep the finger on the pulse, by identifying and contextualizing unmet needs, frictions and aspirations, to enter a mode of fast decision making.
FAST-FORWARD | Prepare for tomorrow
The Chinese word for ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters, i.e. ‘danger’ and ‘opportunity’. The latter brings us to the third pillar, where brands should not be blinded by today; they need to dare think about tomorrow. The COVID-19 days will pass (and hopefully soon). It is essential to keep on innovating, and to consider the current reality as an opportunity for the future.
This is where online research communities play a pivotal role, allowing brands to understand how the current situation has an impact on consumers’ beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. Whether it is for ad testing, mapping emerging needs to fuel innovation or understanding post-corona consumer journeys, community research will support brands to co-create this new reality, together with consumers.
It’s (more than) okay for brands to take the time to hit ‘pause’. But they need to listen more than ever to the beat of their consumers when pressing ‘play’ – and be relevant today – as well as ‘fast-forward’ – and be prepared for tomorrow, and even the day after tomorrow.
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Chief Growth Officer & Partner at Human8 | Vice-President ESOMAR | Prof. at IéSEG | Global Keynote Speaker
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