Pauperism Propelled My Professional Music Producer Path
Pauperism Propelled A Path To Professional Music Producer & iTunes #1 Trance Artist.
This experiment of social embarrassment and the bottom level bankruptcy, to achieving first time Veterans Affairs loan
Meaning that me, West Point: United States Military Academy Presidentially Commissioned Captain Grant Mitchell Saxena, U.S. Army, Retired, being the protagonist in this situation, has immersed in what would be a somewhat regrettable... or... at least, not normal environment.
And however that came to be, I guess is part of the backstory: but the ultimate 10-year evaluation then speaks to the academic data. This set of information is pulled from one experiencing these systems first-hand, which gives the self experiencing researcher / subject a lot more knowledge, then I think, most of the media and education markedly available would broach.
An accompanying podcast on Ruckus Radio, with 1.5 hours of ad-free music is published with this article... but for now, let’s enjoy some Gonzo fashion academic brew and then hopefully the data and conclusion enlighten a little bit more.
Ruckus Radio Youtube:
Predictably, the government is able to provide information in codes with complex legal jargon. Unless a petitioner already has?a federal litigation background
If you’re looking to take the plunge into bankruptcy. There's some information in here, that you'll look at, and you can easily see condensed education, or readily compress the experience that I took about 10 years to really evaluate. My tale begins via informa pauperis, which is not where everyone starts. What is unique about the perspective I share, it's an all-in proposition: it gives you everything there from the Chapter 7 possibility, and you can take rebuilding or gaining wealth at any stage from there, because one end is just a terminal, but not permanent form of being super-broke.
I'll give some advice for the future because there's always a next step of investment, or second homes, or Airbnb rentals or…. Wait, ...hold the phone... let’s not get too technical here fellas... is that really what the spirit of Gonzo, is all about?
What is Gonzo anyway? Where does the idea and word come from? Originally introduced as a frustrated performance artist, Gonzo the Muppet, would perform bizarre avant-garde acts such as demolishing a car with a sledgehammer to the tune of the Anvil Chorus. The notion of Gonzo, as a character who performs terrible acts but considers them artistic, was devised by Jerry Juhl.
What is Gonzo? The etymology of an urban legend by Martin Hirst (2010)
Gonzo Journalism is a style of journalism that is written without claims of objectivity, often including the reporter as part of the story using a first-person narrative. The word "gonzo" is believed to have been first used in 1970 to describe an article about the Kentucky Derby by Hunter S. Thompson, who popularized the style. It is an energetic first-person participatory writing style in which the author is a protagonist, and it draws its power from a combination of social critique and self-satire.[1] It has since been applied to other subjective artistic endeavors.
A protagonist, from Ancient Greek one who plays the first part, the chief actor, is the main character of a story. The protagonist makes key decisions that affect the plot, primarily influencing the story and propelling it forward and is often the character who faces the most significant obstacles. If a story contains a subplot, or is a narrative made up of several stories, then each subplot may have its own protagonist. The protagonist is the character whose fate is most closely followed by the reader or audience, and who is opposed by the antagonist. The antagonist will provide obstacles and complications and create conflicts that test the protagonist, and revealing the strengths and weaknesses of the protagonist's character.
Paupers Priming With Some Sprinkling of Gonzo Academia Spice
When I filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in 2012, right after a divorce... a checking account and my '04 Jeep were literally all I owned. Haven't contributed since then once with Fidelity, and out of the Wells Fargo Advisors. The account was turned over from Wachovia, who left 4 years of contributions or $20,000 sitting in money markets to never be invested. The loose $20K was there when the Ch. 7 hit, so my attorney and I cleverly found a way for me to invest in the startup gear for my recording studio. Life sometimes has a funny irony to it, what we lose and how we gain.?
I had to rebuild from scratch at almost 30 years old, I had zero benefits of compensation, couldn't work, and was living out of food bank generosity. Once I scraped together $400 in savings from tips at Spinning house parties, bars, clubs, and a very nice wedding, I applied for a Capital One secured credit card. My credit was so bad to recover, at the beginning... I couldn't even buy prepaid phone cards at Walmart, and couldn't get a cell phone without a credit card.??
This period of my life was one of the stone-cold rock bottoms of decision-making to go into music as a professional pursuit. Without Ch.7, I wouldn't have had a financially positive studio that I could sit around in and make music at little to no cost. At one point, I was applying for non-profit grants monthly for $400 rent for a room and was denied because as a Captain, I was deemed to be financially irresponsible by Home Front Cares. What took eight (8) years at the V.A. then, would take someone thirty (30) days or one (1) month or now due to new veteran favorable policies enacted because of the 22 soldiers a day epidemic. It’s a radically faster process on initial decision times, a solution to this quandary:
How does one decide what path to take when presented with lengthy, one half to full decade under the perpetual stasis of financial limbo?
The DJ Sax (Official) story of struggle, therapy and surgeries... begins with regression... because only experiencing rock bottom... brings resurrection... and redemption.?
Sometimes it feels like I'm doing alright rebounding as a friend said, yet I know deep down, I should be way further ahead in wealth accumulation. I worry about being able to afford a family on disability alone. Ultimately, accountability shows it's all on me and the poor choices I made post-Army... I try to evolve from the hard lesson. Life will sometimes kick you when you’re down: do you have the courage to try another time and get up again? Dust yourself off... and say alright… good shot... you may have bested me that time old chap, known as Life... but let’s try that once more!
A Wiseman Once Said
"We Got This. No could have, would have, should have.?We all take routes through this world…. and open doors... that we don't know where it will lead us.” - Mentor J.B.
So me, Captain Saxe…. I can say I have two successful federal cases under my belt even though one was my own bankruptcy hahah. I aim to help integrate credit rebuilding
Okay so think about it like this:?We live in a commodified world... Highly commercialized. Unless you denounced all Creature Comforts, then you've got a material shackling to the need for money. In a way, the amount of stress in your life, that is brought about through the accumulation of necessary resources,?the needed money and all the things that you would associate with financial help.??
Well then clearly, money is a part of someone’s reality actually in western society... So much that, I’ll argue money may theoretically have a direct causal link to your life biology. It could effect your immunity, ability to sleep and circadian rhythms, possibly regulatory functions of musculoskeletal and nervous processes, like ascending reticular activating system fluctuations. Even like stressing out young children, refugees you see with infants and toddlers, it makes you wonder... how soon stresses can affect the overall development of even a young person? Can a baby hear a fight about the mortgage in the womb…?
Going to my primary care doctor for other health check-ups and things like that, in the same logic: it's reassuring to know that I have professional teams for finances. They're willing to invest their passion and part of their time they could be spending with their families and all that, they help me out in a way that contributes directly to my overall holistic health in this lovely beautiful world.
I analog my financial advisors as doctors of money... my Money Doctor!
In that way I think financial advisors and monetary help
These things weren't as available from watching my parents, they did well?self-managed. A little bit more throughout the years, they did have some professional assessments of like longer-term Investments, but in the end... the baby boomer advisors people were uber- expensive, of a hard to find good ones crowd, and the level of education is not what it is today. It's refreshing to be able to have a more balanced approach, now more than ever, it’s supremely important to be aware of many different aspects of what it takes to make a healthy and happy home. This is particularly important for veterans benefits…? or anyone who is entitled to programs like the V.A. loan out there, moreover…. all citizens should have equal access to the quality of life that they're entitled to, and they should take advantage of opportunities to better their daily activities.
Because once you lay the solid foundation just like any basic construction site. The first thing to do... level the ground. And then you lay the foundation. From there you build the house, or the garage or the whatever other thing that you're going to build. I mean laying concrete, to prevent cracks requires intentionally balanced leveling. It's all about first establishing foundations and philosophically speaking: without a leveled foundation, the rest of what's going to be built… cannot be stabilized…. against the elements, or in essence, the external forces that will shake things up in our lives eventually. I realize deeply, where I've been over the last 10 years and what minimalism accomplished in the end.
Insolvency Leveled Me
I wouldn't say I'd recommend it. But if you're too far gone like I was, it's an option. You should try and look at not getting there of course. First and foremost have a financial plan upfront
Honestly it happened after I left the military, with not so much of a plan, living in Las Vegas, Nevada... had just gotten unemployed during the 2010 unemployment depression that America was in. The housing market was very low and economics were bad in the stock market, things like that. Society and opportunities are different now, opportunity cost wise. One epically changed systems at the Veterans Affairs, all online,?now you get a decision in 30 days. That’s a good way for people to at least get things started. And as my good friend J.B. said: it's all about opening doors.
To all the doubters and disbelievers, here’s my posit: we won't know unless we try. That's something my dad tells me, the idea has opened up a lot of potential things that?when I was a young man, I didn't really think were in my realm as a humble public school student. Some of these endeavors totally were, but hey... that’s looking through the lens of:
Retrograde Vision Goggles
P.S. Gonzoers: During Your Trip - Ensure To Stay Out Of Bat Country!
Computer Operator Head at Shane Barker Consulting.
2 年I listened to the podcast and I loved it.
?ther Arcade
2 年Listen to the article as podcast with 1.5 hours of music via Ruckus Radio - Episode 1: