Paul’s Win-Win Attitude // Philippians 1:21
By Mark Jordan
Philippians 1:21 (NIV) | For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Today’s verse might sound a little confusing. The background is the Apostle Paul knew his life was nearing its end. He wrote the letter in which we find this verse full of hope and joy. Why? Because he knew that whatever happened to him, he couldn’t lose. If he kept on living, he had more opportunities to teach about the love of God in Jesus. If the authorities executed him, then he would be able to go be with Jesus. To Paul, it was win-win. Do we see the conflicts and crises we face through the same lens of faith? I know I don’t, at least not all the time. I easily get caught up in trying to protect my own comfort or position and overlook what God might do for someone else through my faith in Him. Ther bottom line? Know you can’t lose when your life is secure in Christ.