Paul - the New Testament's #1 "Legalist"

Paul - the New Testament's #1 "Legalist"

After Christ, the #1 proponent of keeping God's Law was Paul - Mr. "Saved by Grace" and Mr. "Law is a curse" himself post "conversion". True to form of every fork-tongued hypocrite Pharisee, bipolar Paul preached for and blasphemed against God's Law - sometimes within verses of the same epistle. Small wonder why Peter commented people were so confused by Paul's writings where Peter warns of others from the Lawless who are unstable and unlearned that lead to destruction within that same scripture (2 Peter 3:15-17). Here's a sample of Paul's "PRO-LAW" KJV writings:

Acts 24:14

2 Thessalonians 2:3-12

Romans 2:12-13

ACTS 18:21

ACTS 24:14

ACTS 25:8

COL 2:16-17

2 COR 6:14

EPH 5:8

EPH 6:14

HEB 1:9

PHIL 1:9-11

ROM 2:12

ROM 2:17

ROM 2:21-24

ROM 3:20

ROM 3:31

ROM 4:7

ROM 6:15

ROM 6:16

ROM 6:19

ROM 7:7

ROM 7:12

ROM 7:14

ROM 7:25

ROM 8:6-7

ROM 10:5

Most Christians will conveniently ignore ALL the above evidence that clearly proves Paul was not only a passionate Law (Torah)-keeper (i.e., "Legalist") but preached keeping God's Law (Torah) as well. Why? because they rather believe THE LIE (i.e., they're "saved by grace" or "faith alone" ) that he warns against (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12) because the last thing they want to do is have to work to earn their way to salvation.

God's Chosen of Israel know better - they keep God's commandments ("Law"/Torah) as He commanded to earn their way to the Kingdom of Heaven (Revelation 22:11-14).


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