Paul Morts Kitchen Nightmares
??Paul Mort??
2X UK Mastercoach of the Year, Best Selling AUDIBLE (tm) Author and Keynote Speaker. I work with people who want to get their sh1t together and upgrade their lives. No Fluff, No BS, no happy-clappy.
Whilst channel hopping last night….
I stumbled across an episode
of “Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares”
I like Ramsey actually.
Passionate dood.
Skilled. No Bullshit.
And knows how to maketh the bacon (quite
Doesn’t mind the odd F-Bomb either.
Anyhoo, as you may or may not know.
Failing Restaurant owners call in big Gordon
and ask for his help as they’re making no
He goes in....
Tells them where they’re going wrong. Shows
em what to change and makes those changes
More often than not its a big change in
But here’s what gets my fucking goat, hombre.
These stoopid, skint and stubborn restaurant
They revert back to type.
Despite it being GLARINGLY obvious that what
they’re doing isn’t working…
How do we know it isn’t working?
Well when they called Ramsey in, they were FAILING
Stressed, Anxious, broke, working too many hours
You know wut am gonna say here right, amigo?
I’ve lost count of how many men have asked
me for help cuz they’re struggling.
Shitty relationships
Not making the money they want from the work they put in
Lacking Energy
Out of shape
Not spending enough time with their kids and
Yet,when I tell em what to do
Some, ignore me.
Some watch videos I send them
Some watch EVERY video
and they STILL don’t CHANGE.
They ‘learn’, ‘take in’ and ‘study’
but they don’t fucking take action.
Just come up with a bunch of STORIES
about why they didn’t
All of which or horse-shit
And you know, dood..
This one of the reasons I ask for an INVESTMENT in my famous
90 day Mansformation
because often putting 'skin in the game'
means you'll take action
do the work
Not just the bits you‘fancy’.
But ALL of it. The uncomfortable stuff.
The painful stuff.
The ‘out of comfort zone’ stuff
you know, the stuff that WORKS
(you've already seen the results)
so if you're ready to quit fucking around
and you're sick of starting and stopping
and breaking your promises
just reply to this message with 'Unstoppable' as the subject line
and i'll get you the details
Paul "Yes chef!” Mort
PS- whenever you're ready, here are a few ways I can help you
1- Check out and print my free "82 Rules for an Unstoppable Life" List
A simple list with a few tips and hacks to help you level up
2- Join our world Famous "90 day Mansformation" coaching program
Every month I open up the opportunity to work with us inside of my male only coaching program
If you'd like to be coached and mentored by me?...Just reply to this message with "Unstoppable" as the subject line
3- Listen to my Podcast.
I've put together 200+ short, impactful podcasts to inspire and motivate you
ALL for free...
click the link below to grab it for free: