"Paul Allen has a Better Apartment."
American Psycho
One my all time favourite films
Young Christian Bale with the ego to match;
New York
Dinner at Dorsia
Competing with Paul Allen for status among his peers.
Yet they're all mistaken for each other as they dress the same
Now Status for men then was clear cut
A blueprint for success.
But now?
Status is shifting.
Men aren’t chasing the same markers.
But are they any happier?
The rules are changing.
But no one gave men the new playbook.
No wonder men feel lost.
So they look for direction.
Some find it in self-improvement.
Some in Tate, Rogan, or the manosphere.
Some in resentment.
But men need more than influencers and anger.
They need a purpose.
A mission.
A space where masculinity isn’t a problem to be solved.
But a force to be shaped.
Because without that?
We don’t get less American Psycho.
We get more.