Patterns Matter
I walked into my office, opened my desk drawer, and discovered our petty cash was gone. There was only one possible culprit. It was one of my best employees. What was I to do?
This unfortunate employee mistake taught me the importance of recognizing patterns. I look for a pattern when collecting information while seeking to understand a problem and defining a successful solution. I always seek to find a pattern before suggesting I understand the situation. I never want to make recommendations based on a one-off.
So, what happened? Did I fire the employee? What pattern did I uncover? Read this week’s scenario blog post to find out.
When authoring my book, The Integrator, I relied on information from many contributors. One exceptional example is Jim Johnson, author of “ROI, It’s Your Job.” Jim, Founder and Chairman of The Standish Group, researched and documented that “64% of features in products are ‘rarely ever used.” Jim Johnson’s keynote proved the importance of the following Agile principle, “Simplicity–the art of maximizing the amount of work not done–is essential.” Learn more about achieving Agile IT project success by reading my book available at Amazon.