Patristic Faith

It was such a joy for me to present at the first Honor Shame Missions Conference in Wheaton College this month. I was joined by several other presenters giving an impassioned plea for mission efforts to consider those who come from different worldviews when sharing with them the Good News of Jesus Christ.

I was blessed to listen to several of these other presenters. I would like to share one message that I heard from Dr. David A. deSilva (author of "Honor, Patronage, Kinship & Purity: Unlocking New Testament Culture") - To approach God in a patristic manner.

God is our Patron; our Father in Heaven; our Abba/Dad. As such He seeks to redeem us, His child, who has been indicted and found guilty. However, as Father, He also seeks to redeem us from our fears and shame. As a response, we His children, declare our gratitude and loyalty to Him, our Patron. 

Over years of historical events, leaders and rulers have emphasized this relationship - a patristic relationship. The patron cares and provides while his children remain loyal. Some have abused this relationship, and they have demanded loyalty rather than emphasized their gracious and benevolent patronship. I hope these events have not tainted your willingness to ponder on your patristic relationship with our Heavenly Patron.

As Christians, we refer to ourselves often as believers and as followers of Christ. In some countries, people who practice certain religions refer to themselves as devotees. Perhaps we, too, can see ourselves as devotees of Christ; loyal to Him knowing that He cares and provides.

Wilson Phang (Rev)PhD DMin MSW MA MHP

Ministry Personnel Care


