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A great way to begin a presentation is with an interesting statistic or little-known fact. I guarantee you probably already have these facts or statistics within the body of your speech. Consider bringing them up to make a great opening. Then add an emotion. Every time your audience hears you…they will lean in and think, “What will you be interested in” … “Surprised to know” etc.

Engage your audience for your statistic or fact with a phrase like this:

"Would it interest you to know that . . ."

"Would it surprise you to know that . . ."

"Would it shock you to know that . . ."

"Would it horrify you to know that . . ."

Select the emotion that matches your message. It just depends upon the statistic or fact that follows.

Try it. It's a unique and interesting way to start your next presentation.

Try this technique next time you speak. It could be a conversation with a prospect, a team meeting, or a company training. This suggestion works in a variety of situations.

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