Patients Guide to Chronic Kidney Disease
Common Queries about Kidney Disease

Patients Guide to Chronic Kidney Disease

What is Chronic Kidney Disease?

Guest Blog by Dr. Nasim Musa Porosh (Consultant Nephrologist)

Chronic kidney disease refers to a form of progressive kidney disease in which your kidneys gradually decline in function. It is a condition that the Kidney Foundation estimates to affect at least 26 million adults in the United States. Many patients are in the early stages of Chronic Kidney Disease and do not know it. This disease is different from acute kidney failure, or the rapid onset of kidney malfunction.

Excess waste and fluids will accumulate in your body if the kidneys aren’t working properly. This can also lead to other health complications. Chronic Kidney Disease is usually not curable, but the damage to your kidney can be slowed if caught early.

What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease?

It’s important to diagnose Chronic Kidney Disease early, before too much tissue damage has occurred. Unfortunately, there are few warning signs of kidney disease within the early stages of Chronic Kidney Disease.

Symptoms of progressive Chronic Kidney Disease include:

? increased blood pressure

? excessive fatigue

? sleeping troubles

? feet or ankle swelling (which later progresses upward)

? forgetfulness and trouble concentrating

? nausea or vomiting

? decreased appetite and unintentional weight loss

? muscle twitching or cramps

? itching of the skin

The problem with many of these symptoms is that they can also be related to other health conditions — this is why many people overlook them. It is important to address any unusual symptoms with your doctor, especially if you have any common risk factors for kidney disease.

As Chronic Kidney Disease progresses, you might experience chest pain and shortness of breath. You may also urinate more frequently. 

Call your doctor right away if you notice blood in your urine, or if it is painful to void urine.

What Causes Chronic Kidney Disease?

Chronic Kidney Disease typically develops over a period of months, or even years. It is most often linked to other underlying health conditions that can affect the kidneys. In fact, according to the Kidney Foundation, about two-thirds of all cases are caused by high blood pressure (hypertension) or diabetes.

Hypertension is one of the most common cardiovascular-related conditions that primarily occur in middle-aged adults.

Hypertension is one of the most common cardiovascular-related conditions that primarily occur in middle-aged adults.

You will be more likely to develop Chronic Kidney Disease if you:

? are in poor physical shape

? have a family history of hypertension

? are an older adult

Uncontrolled hypertension is a common cause of Chronic Kidney Disease. If you have hypertension, it’s very important that you manage it properly.

Diabetes can cause Chronic Kidney Disease by damaging the kidneys, and decreasing their function.

Other possible causes of Chronic Kidney Disease include:

? heart disease

? lupus

? multiple infections of the kidneys

? backing up of urine into the kidneys (vesicoureteral reflux)

? high cholesterol

? polycystic kidney disease

? kidney filter inflammation (glomerulonephritis)

? obesity

? smoking

? alcohol use

? drug abuse

? overuse of OTC pain relievers, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen

What Are the Complications of Chronic Kidney Disease?

Complications of Chronic Kidney Disease may include:

? hypertension (this is also a cause of Chronic Kidney Disease)

? coronary artery disease

? anemia

? osteoporosis

? impotence

? fluid retention

? decreased immune system/increased risk for infections

? electrolyte (sodium, potassium) imbalances

? seizures

Chronic Kidney Disease can also lead to end-stage kidney failure. At this point, kidney disease is life-threatening without a transplant or dialysis.

When to See a Doctor about Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease can cause serious organ damage, so it’s important to see your doctor if you notice any unusual symptoms. If you already have diabetes, hypertension, or another condition that can cause Chronic Kidney Disease, your doctor should already be monitoring your vitals on a regular basis as a preventive measure.

How Can You Prevent Chronic Kidney Disease?

The best way to prevent kidney disease is to reduce your risk factors. A healthy weight, physical activity, and a low-fat diet can decrease lifestyle-associated causes of Chronic Kidney Disease. If you have uncontrollable risk factors, such as family history or type 1 diabetes, then you can help prevent Chronic Kidney Disease by seeing your doctor for regular monitoring.

americans consume more salt than any other country leading to high blood pressure

Reducing the amount of salt you eat can also make a difference. Avoid adding salt to your food, and check food labels carefully for sodium content. Refraining from alcohol and quitting smoking can also decrease your risk for Chronic Kidney Disease.


The progression of Chronic Kidney Disease may be slowed down, but the disease itself is generally not curable. Getting a kidney transplant is often the last resort because these organs are not readily available for all candidates.

With Chronic Kidney Disease, your best plan of action is to monitor your condition carefully while following your doctor’s instructions for a healthier lifestyle. 

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