Patient Zeal
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
It is my experience and observation that Patience and Zeal form two powerful footsteps as we walk towards and through change and challenge. In times of uncertainty and flux, Patience and Zeal provide an assured step.
In 4 Arrows. One Aim. ... I offered up on Faith, Health, Service and Love as 4 areas to reflect upon in fortifying our own best sense of personal Character and Leadership, moving forward... if you will. I humbly...
... recommend the read and reflect. Knowing that in which we truly and deeply believe, taking care of ourselves to best champion that, having Clarity on what we bring to the table in Character, Ability, Skill and Knowledge, and knowing who we Love and Honor in doing so... these matter for an assured step walking amidst and through change and challenge. As I walk my own 90 Days of Intention, I have discerned and decided on same. That in mind and heart, I also mentioned Patience and Zeal in that post.
Patience and Zeal
I suggest that Patience and Zeal are indeed the assured footsteps of the long game and the sacred hunt... the steps of purposeful intent with genuinely patient pace. We are all in, and enduring...
... fortified, of Will. I offer that we consider the longer game. Consider the challenges along the way. Consider what Patience and Zeal might look like in walking our own enduring and assured step. Patience is not about biting our tongues nor holding our breath. It is powerful Trust ...
... in the process, and in our discerned, decided and devoted effort. It is foundational for our actions, habits and sense of Purpose. It strengthens our practice of Character and Leadership. It concerns itself not with short term "positivity" but long term "Optimism".
And Zeal is not about moments of fiery motivation quick to burn out. It is about a slow, steady, sustainable and sustaining burn. It is the Virtue of Enthusiasm with Purposefulness.
Final Thought for Now
I invite you to reflect on the Virtues of Patience and Zeal. Read and reflect on the Cards above. What might they look like in Countenance and Gait... in practice? As we walk through change and challenge, what would they look like in action? What Strength would they provide us?
As I walk Epic Engage Forward, as I move forward with intent, I do indeed intend to get ever more palpably clear on patient Zeal. They can ignite us, and with a genuine spirit of confident and composed Peace.
Justice, Peace and Unity...
Some Other Thoughts, Ideas and Books to Ponder...