Patient - how do I find a Contact Lens specialist near me in Eye Drops Database?
Andrew Price FBDO(Hons)CL MBCLA
The ADP Consultancy. 5000 followers.
Answer - easily, let's take Cheshire as an example, go to the Patient Section then from the menu select 'Referral Directories overview', scroll down to click off 'Dry Eye/Blepharitis Referral Directory' and 'Ophthalmology Referral Directory' to only reveal registered CL practices. Then zoom in to Cheshire see who and where they are, for example practices in Widnes, Knutsford, Ellesmere Port (two) and a little further away Lytham and Rhyl. That's it!
Patient - Having found the practice/clinic how can I find out much more about them, their specialist services, how to contact them etc? Answer - easily, click in the icon, then click 'See details' to reveal exactly why you should arrange an appointment!
If you are a Contact Lens practice and would like to be featured in the Contact Lens Referral Directory in both Professional and Patient Sections of Eye Drops Database email [email protected]