Patient endurance
SportsFaith Play of the day from the Ultimate Playbook!
Revelation 14:12 This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus.
I love these two words...patient... endurance. Two words that many of us struggle with. In a world of 'I want it fast and I want it now!'; and 'If it's uncomfortable: avoid it, take a pill for it, pass it off to someone else, or ignore it.'... these two words are not often practiced much less embraced. Heck, many people don't even drive to a fast-food restaurant to buy/pick up pre-made food... they call 'UBER-eats' to have it delivered to save time and effort! In this rapidly evolving culture of 'faster paced... work smarter not harder' attitudes we are called to have patient endurance to keep the faith strong in Jesus. Keep the faith, have patient endurance, and have a blessed day!
#patient #endurance #faith #Jesus