Be Patient


If there has been one thing that I've had to learn in my life, it's how to be patient. Not just being patient but actually waiting to be happy

I'm known for being impatient with people when it comes to making decision but otherwise, people would say I wait way too long.

Sometimes I give myself a lot of false hope but it is the one thing I cannot change, I'm always looking towards the future and what I want to happen or do.

I find myself constantly waiting for everything. Some would say I'm never satisfied, I'm only satisfied in a few moments because always am looking towards the future. It gets exhausting but I think it is what helps me.

I realize I have so much to look forward to, it is what keeps me from feeling hopeless and worthless. I know that at some moment I'm not happy but at some point, I will be.

I believe every day is a closer day to a better day.

Sometimes I think I scare people when I plan so far in advance, but planning for what will make me happy gives me all the more reason to live.

I used to be someone who would rush into things whether that be a job commitment, relationship or friendship, etc. Now I'm a lot slower. I think it is because partially my trust was broken by some people I was very close to over a series of months/years. I also think that it is ok to be patient with someone. While you might give yourself false hope and end up being sad in the end - I see it better than rushing in and having even higher false hopes that don't result in anything. I don't see anything wrong with waiting and building a relationship or understanding of someone or something.

Being patient in your personal life translates well into society too.

Being patient has helped me learn that we all make mistakes and that we can't expect everyone to be perfect and 100% ready for what is to come.

I know that sometimes it feels like forever before you can be happy/satisfied but remembering that it is coming is just as important.







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