Patient data should always follow the patient

Patient data should always follow the patient

For patient data to be valuable, it must be reliable and consistent. Secondly, it must be available in real time independent of the patient's location.

Data must not be lost during transport. Fluid balances, total drug intake and values from all of the connected devices have to always be ruthlessly accurate.

Qualcomm's innovative connectivity solutions allow just this, achieving unparalleled data consistency.

Mobile data hubs can either transmit data with WiFi or buffer data during patient transport. These mobile devices are also very successfully used in wards, as they can be moved from patient to patient, associate patients to registered data, and transmit all the data to solutions such as our "CIS Connectivity" platform.

In this way, regardless of where a patient is, their data is always visible from any other department in the hospital.

In case you missed the previous publications on the topic of connectivity, you can find them below:

In a series of 7 short blogs, we are sharing the key reasons for recommending Qualcommlife/Capsule technology.

Part 5: It is great value, not price, which should be the main driver in hospital tenders

We all like a good deal, but what really counts is best value. If you compare the overall mortality rate of two hospitals without a case mix adjustment, it wouldn't make sense. The same is true when comparing the price of two vendors without a case mix adjustment.

We've seen many hospitals opt for a cheaper solution before going back to Qualcommlife (Capsule). This is because the hospitals soon realised that the acquisition costs, without the ongoing running costs, can be very misleading. Qualcomm’s philosophy has always been to provide the right quantity, in the right places to generate the greatest value for the customer.

They are therefore, one of the only suppliers that would carry out a "site assessment" for a potential client with absolutely no strings attached and completely free of charge.

This is a huge benefit to our clients. It allows them to feel confident that every aspect of their clinical and technical dimension has been addressed prior to receiving a quote. We us you therefore have no hidden costs. 

There is a reason why others don't provide the same service.

Part 4: Stick to vendor neutral suppliers to ensure the greatest data consistency

It is fair to say that when a data connectivity software is developed by a producer of medical devices or EHR, the quality of the work might be biased towards their own devices.

Vendor neutrality must therefore not be overlooked as this can otherwise lead to terrible headaches along the way. Hospitals might end up with a library of drivers of varying quality or, in the worst case, lack some of the crucial drivers for life resuscitation machines or specific data types such as boluses from infusion pumps.

Put simply, when trying to compensate for the weaknesses of a connectivity supplier, the hospital might result in having to hire several suppliers. This will increase the complexity of all integration and data harmonisation as well as overall costs.

When developing "CIS Connectivity", a platform to collect data from all the medical devices in all departments across all the hospitals, we use the Qualcomm (Capsule) technology, as this ensures a lean and uniformed data collection process throughout.

This means fewer costs, less maintenance, fewer updates, less training and above all an easy and efficient data integration and patient data management.

Part 3: Don't let your hospital be a hostage of the tech gap between leaders and followers

We are connecting, harvesting, filtering, displaying, analysing, archiving and extracting patient data like never before.

This is why the tech gap between the leaders and the followers in the field of data connectivity will broaden even more in the years ahead.

In order to ensure that our clients, not only have the largest library of supported devices in terms of connectivity, but also always have access to the latest developments in data connectivity, we integrate all Qualcomm (Capsule) drivers as standard. We also always provide all the newest released developments at no extra cost.

Every time a hospital purchases new equipment, a driver will therefore most probably already exist. This allows the IT team to engage in a simple “Plug and Play” exercise.

Saving time and money for the hospital and providing faster working integrations.

Part 2: Because a connectivity driver is not just a driver, just as a car is not just a car.

Cars come in different shapes and sizes, and with different levels of quality, reliability and power. And the same can be said for connectivity drivers. Drivers are critical; they transport information from pumps, monitors and devices to databases and create charts from which clinicians will have to make important decisions.

On paper, two drivers might integrate to the same device but, in reality, when put to the test, won’t necessary transmit the data in the same way, with the same quantity and quality.

It's why we chose Qualcommlife/Capsule from the outset because they are the best. Their technology has been implemented in more than 2,300 hospitals worldwide and provides the best raw data one can imagine for companies like us to transform into meaningful, usable and reliable clinical data.

It is the data integrity and clinical knowledge delivered by Qualcomm, combined with our deep understanding that provides our clients the best chance to increase patient safety.

Part 1: To reap the greatest value from a hospital connectivity strategy, all devices and monitors should be connected from the start. 

There are 3 main reasons for this:

  • the volume of data on which clinicians can make assessments increases dramatically
  • the data quality leading to better judgement increases - manual transcriptions have been proven to have up to 19% of human errors
  • the implementation time for digitalisation is shorter and cheaper when a supplier has all the drivers from the start (1)

So we chose Qualcommlife/Capsule because they have the greatest library of drivers in the world, allowing us to deliver solutions, which not only include the entire library but also all the future releases. Regardless of the devices on your network, we are likely to have the greatest number of drivers for them.

(1) not working with a supplier who has the greatest number of drivers can end up costing the hospital hundreds of thousand of Euros in "hidden costs" and delay the implementation considerably with consequences on both patient safety and TOC.

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