Patience in Progress: Home sweet home

Patience in Progress: Home sweet home

Money is not evil but the love and worship of it can lead to dangerous consequences.

Earn money diligently. Invest it and grow it.

There is time for everything. I had the opportunity to learn so much over these past days about people's growth trajectory.

If your growth requires eight albums and you are on seven that means you can make it , no matter what people or you think.

Trust the process. You will make it. God takes you to every place for a special reason.

Every person we see as great, did something that is out of the ordinary.

They chose locations that everybody thought was odd.

Who would have thought Canva can emerge from Australia? Is it not funny?

Today I reflected on the key people I fought for early in my career. I started laughing as it felt like a jinx that a community can embody all these groups of interest.

What I was looking for had arrived, but I kept reading my book backwards. One big cycle from 2006 to 2024 had emerged and I almost missed it.

Life is definitely lived in cycles.

I have asked myself so many questions. One that includes, why will anyone want to return someone to their life 15 years ago when they have progressed from that. For instance, the world 15 years ago is so different now. What was yesterday, has significantly evolved with technology.

Back home in Ghana, the trotro I took became ayalooloo and is now a green energy bus.

In some ways it feels like that is what CVs requesting 15 to 20 years experience does to a lot of people. It is easy to feel the world is passing you by but over time you realise there is nothing new under the sun except shifting status quo due to technology change and people dynamics to adapt to the change. All dynamics are important from skeptics to supporters of innovation. They all make the music sweet.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." ( Proverbs 3:5 )


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