FOR THE FACT THAT SOME MIRACLE IS ALWAYS THERE GETTING UNVEILED & given the most invaluable opportunity to get back the treasure of our own true nature, each one of us in this process of getting back, we have to coarse through our individual circumstances, each one of us faces apparently different problems which may seem to be insurmountable at that time when we are facing them. ?Can we all recollect what we went through when we went for our 1st examination in life at 1st standard, what we were feeling? Nowadays of course, every child is facing tests much before 1st standard, right from playschool, pre-kg, some kind of implicit examination is there. But after that ?parents start telling to study. A,B,C or 1,2,3 – whatever it is the child is able to face the pressure of being able to perform. See, for us looking back we may say - A, B,C…1,2,3 what’s the big deal, but for a child that A,B,C …1,2,3 is the maximum capacity & a big exam. ?I am aware that we all know this simple thing but my purpose of sharing this is very precise- In our respective lives we all are facing the same situation at any given point, for somebody else it may seem to be a minor one, we may even get ridiculed, which in fact happens, but for that person who is facing the problem it seems to be a big mountain, which he or she has to climb up, even not sure if will be able to get to the other side safe & sound & in all these the only support for us though we may have support from people around, friends, understandable relatives is from our mind. Yes we can never forget or rather we should not forget that our minds are the respective kingdoms within us. It’s that kingdom, which nobody else can enter. In the midst of the best of all circumstances, we may still be very sorrowful, depressed & in the midst of worst of all circumstances we may be joyous, totally unconcerned about the external world & the given set of circumstances. This is not necessarily when we have attained the neutral state, the nature of mind itself is like that, it is one day up, then one day down. We can never reach to specific conclusion citing any reason for the same. Just try, yes just try. Can we say why we are happy as mind means change, it keeps on changing, it never stays in one state, so although we tend to consoling ourselves that external circumstances is getting reflected on our gestures we depict out, but that is not the truth.

It is the inner kingdom, what we call as mind makes us happy or sad, it’s the mind that makes us what we are all. Yes, mind within has a power that can make us feel lonely in a crowd, or filled when we are alone, & in this inner kingdom which nobody else can enter we have only one friend. We always have that friend; most importantly we need to recognize that friend. Can we recognize? We may or we may not. For that friend might have no distinctive forms & never gives any formal introduction of self. At most we can identify that friend as an inner reflection of self, as it’s the self that gets embodied out of compassion. So the inner reflection of self reveals turning out to be lone succor to us at any given point of time & because that is awake to every one of us at all times, none of us is ever alone, never, cannot be, never because that support is always available, before the beginning, its being available to us. In fact it is that support which is reminding us of its presence through all of us, through the various ways of relating to it. It is even telling us of our bounty, our bliss, constantly giving us opportunity. Opportunities are unlimited to get us back to our true nature. So, the whole process, the whole practice consists only of remembering. Forgetting true nature due to whatever reason we forget leads us getting exposed because of our tensions constantly shifting to some other aspects. Now for eg we think that ?calling a client is important who is upset with the tensed moments he went through previous deal, then at that very moment a new prospect approaches which also we cannot neglect. Even if we say just give me a minute also might pain him, we cannot say for every one of us go through the inevitable whimsical moods whereby we feel like that our problem should be given the utmost importance but what we end up doing? I may say this & that. As an academician I teach students to prioritize, but honestly if I look at my own journey of life till date, could I prioritize every time? We speak of support but we ourselves are confused what specific support we require. Yes, keeping an organizer ready in hand is helpful but given the dynamism of circumstances we all are into, pulling selves back to our own natural accord seems to be daunting but not impossible. Managers are for then what purpose? ?


Every moment is therefore important, events will keep on unfolding much to our dismay but we need to pull ourselves back. Thoughts crisscross, now if I give room to one thought of depression which is almost certain in such cases, I am bound to be sucked by 1000 more such wild thoughts & all of them are unreasonable. Now if we think positively, it’s possible be assured that the nature of the mind is bound to reconcile all by itself with a positive frame of mind.


We speak of mind games. But how many of us are getting involved in mind games voluntarily. See mind game is beyond the vagaries of plus & minus. It is not that it is light, not darkness either. Mind game we get to realize after we get cruised through any given set of circumstances. We do not have time of even thinking in the present moment on certain issues why it happens? Okay we manage to squeeze out time, what about the space? We forget that mind itself is time & space. Best option left out is through surrendered enquiry.? We pray to God of respective beliefs, can we ask that entity of respective belief- “who are you?”. Can we? We won’t, we want to but we won’t. Is HE BHAGWAN, Is HE ALLAHA, Is he JESUS, Is HE WAHEGURU? All are praying seeking solace, the light within getting enlightened & the shine of that light is consciousness. Precisely that which shines is the consciousness in the hearts of all of us, that which shines is the knowledge itself, now how to reach up to HIM? Heart melting with compassion, we need to look for the source, enter the heart cave & then shining path lies ahead. This is the loving enquiry that GOD of our respective belief asks us to do & mind it this loving enquiry can enlighten our lives from moment to moment. Now let me pause to clarify, what word I used…Love, correct? Did I use the wrong word? Because experiences that we all got through have ensured that the word love only gets rubbed with salt on its wounds for we sarcastically conclude of its very existence. But I made the right choice of the word…it is love.

Now God of our respective belief always give us some clues to hold on to our day to day lives. HE says at the moment of awakening & at the moment of falling asleep, an I thought in it always exists. This I isolates itself, it’s no longer attached to any such lavish memories or thoughts, it just keeps on going back to the source, the self. Pl let us remember these moments are the precious moments, so let’s be alert at the moment of falling asleep. History stands witness that great devotees having said that we shouldn’t tire ourselves not so much before going to sleep. I know it’s impossible given the present moments of uncertainties each of us are going through but what about giving it a try? ?“I” thought disappears but we need to find out where it is disappearing?? If we try to be watchful when we are falling asleep, automatically watchfulness will come to us when we are awakening, be ensured that will set a mood for us on an optimistic note. Almost all of us go to sleep with an enquiry in mind, it is important to remember that enquiry in the morning too, it might not come out as the 1st thought, but let us ensure that before getting out of bed we focus our attention on the enquiry we slept with. Why I am insisting it in the early morning – because at that moment there will be not much other thoughts , for the day has just begun & over that if we can give some time to meditation its well & good, if not, okay but self enquiry need to persist.?


The day then gets on its roll, encompassing many moments & in which we get embossed so much by our official as well as personal responsibilities we turn totally blind to the free moments among those busy schedule. Yes, not joking, today after going back home, just recollect every moment everyone will be surprised arrey itna free moments tha, what did I do apart from having lunch? Well sorry having lunch is a part of packed schedule, what I meant is already implied. We are restricting ourselves from the self-enquiry. Before taking up any assignment we need to remember that the power by which the job gets done is not only by the sense of “I” in us, not even by the power of thought we have, because we are failing to crack down on the source of the thoughts that we do not have any answer for the query that thoughts are powered by what? No doubt, “I” give life to the thoughts, but can we infer why most of the thoughts turn out to be absolutely powerless? We think by the power of thoughts we achieve everything in this world, But most of the thoughts are utterly powerless. It is only the light which “I” throws on them gives some substantial power. So, let us remember thought has its limitations in being the true source of power. It is the self alone from which the “I” thought draws energy. Does it draw energy every night before it goes to sleep? It sinks to the self, not consciously. That’s why when we have sleep, we are absolutely useless. 3-4 days if we cannot sleep why we fade out, why? Energy gets drained out whereby mind as well as physical faculty gets drained out.


Self, yes, self is the source of all energy, eventually gets seeded as the source of all actions which gets done but who motivates this self? God of our respective belief…now a smart worker might taunt me as being a surrendering creature. Okay fine, I am surrendering to whom? I am not running away, I am not being lazy, but yes, I am surrendering to my conscience, opening myself up, to let me get blessed with rejuvenated zeal & for that I need to bow down before an entity. Bowing down exposes us into humility, broadmindedness, simplicity, yes. We need to be unto existence that never goes into oblivion. We all are supposed to be actors, okay fine….will any anything change if I don’t act? Was not the world there before I arrived? Will it not survive after I am gone? Nothing is dependent on me except for my self-knowledge. Nothing absolutely. See there is no guarantee how long I would be breathing further, now I am penning after a couple of hours I might collapse, so what? Some might feel sad, but life won’t stop. No important activities will come to a standstill, specially those activities from which we are drawing positive energy from morning till night, why to worry? If I stop this, what will happen, all these duties who will take care? I ask further, are we making the Sun to rise? Are we dictating the time to Sun when to set? Are we? Are making the rains pour on a grand scale? Are we bringing water directly to the reserves? Are we making the plant to sprout up & give us food to eat? Yes we are just facilitating. Over how many activities we have gained full control of? It is only the sense of control we are blessed with—I need to do this, I need to do that…In reality let’s not get concerned at all.

An ice breaker at this point – There was a person working in the factory who never took a day off, never. On being asked he said that if he goes on leave then somebody else will do the job & that people will realize that I am not indispensable.


We all are dispensable, yes we need a support, we want to have that support but not without the sense of self-importance that we are doing something. We are needed to be taken care of, But HE wants us to realize that constant care is at our disposal, yes but ?on our part are we being aware of? If we are aware then why we are fighting with each other, why? Why hatred is cementing its place instead of love & affection? We all are being subjected to the highest level of care, highest level of love at any given moment & be assured we do not need any other thing, yes. Yes we are working, we will, we are showering our positive energy on all, let us continue.

Mind seems to wander away, it needs to, it needs to explore but in the middle of any activity mind never wanders & if we are wandering then just introspect what is distracting you?


We are the center. We are most worried about ourselves. We are worried about others because they are most dear to us but we are not worried about the people on the road…..because we are dear to ourselves. Being dearer to someone else is practically impossible. Even Divinity cannot ensure that.


Grace of the God of respective belief, how do we acknowledge that? Is HE not there in our lives? Did HE not fulfill our hopes even before we asked? When the spade work for the same was done? HE is our light.

Another ice breaker a learning one in fact-

A devotee would distribute cashew nuts for the squirrels every morning & feed them personally. He would break them into equal parts so that all could have them without being apprehensive on any negative count. Then there was a squirrel that was very impatient & it bit the finger of the devotee. The devotee looked sternly but did not say anything he directed the squirrel towards a place where he kept pieces of cashew to eat. 4 days passed by, the cashews were not touched, the squirrel did not have it, it was weeping, it was crawling at the feet of the devotee, then finally devotee relented started to feed it again. Can we draw any inference from the above incident? Are we not landing ourselves in a soup uncalled for & just for being over-curious or impatient rather in our day to day lives?


Persistence, our tenacity that we can get attached to the teachings of humanitarian principles which applied to professional as well as personal aspects of our lives can do wonders. We can have a sense of doer ship. It’s only a sense of consciousness which is all pervading & there is no division in it. We all want divisions because we are burdened with millions of thoughts & how do we handle all those thoughts?


Having written the above can I really say Who am I? Yes, I have a name, credentials suffice to carry me through but still I ask who am I? I would not wish to get hammered by seeking from all to get into a similar mode of query but for humanitarian sake we need to ask ourselves who am I or rather who are we?


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