PATIENCE is a difficult word. Be honorable, be just, be courageous, be good, be loyal, be kind, be trustworthy, be generous, be supportive, be helpful – these are all virtues it seems easy to want to be. PATIENCE is a virtue but “Be patient” doesn’t call to me to in the same way.
PATIENCE is not frequently discussed but it is a frequent need. I looked back at my notes from a talk on entrepreneurship. Of the 5 crucial principles of entrepreneurship #1 was “Entrepreneurs must practice PATIENCE.”
“PATIENCE is not the ability to wait but how you act while you are waiting.”
Maybe the “Be virtuous” statement is not “Be patient” but rather “Be <fill-in-virtuous-word> while waiting”
It takes a lot to bring it all together. When I stumble or fumble the root cause will probably be a gap in PATIENCE.