Alohana Jackson
Sharing tools for stronger health in your busy lives. Wellness Advocate, Healthy Living Choices; Lunch/learn Speaker; Leader for Wealth Growth; Small Business Development; Environmental Health;
The time spent with our grandchildren have been invaluable. It has taught me that patience is needed as they learn and try new things. Sometimes patience is needed when they are tired and irritable. We have learned to laugh at the many times we are asked "Why?"
I have learned to be patience in other areas of my life as well. For example, my health has not always been at its optimal level and I become frustrated at not feeling great at times. I have worked with holistic experts who remind me that achieving good health does take time.
The need for structure in my daily life comes from the past inconsistent days of anxiety and depression. I must be patience with my progress and be grateful that I am not using medications any longer. I build on the good days and use a process to enable me to avoid the actions that cause undue anxiety.
Patience now shows up when someone I talk to is having an adverse reaction to our conversation. I consider that they may be having other challenges that I am unaware of so I give them time to talk. I had been one to rush to judgment that the person was being rude or out of line, but now take into account that I do not know what is happening to them mentally or physically.
You can be patience with yourself so that you will see the progress you are making whether it be in your career, health, relationships or a dream. We may not see how much closer we are to the dream if we don't step back and look at how far we have come.