Pathway to ‘Hell’
7 October 2001, was the same date ‘evil warring ways’ resurfaced, 7 October 2023, for an update of the final act of devastating destruction in the Middle East – the final chapter of world annihilation - as foolish allies ignorantly join in supporting a war that was ‘allowed to’ resurface to protect one man,?for personal self-interest.??
The article, I ‘channelled’, ANZAC Day 1989, published, ‘Adelaide News’, 15.8.89 was a ‘predicted destiny’, as I travelled to the Middle East…Israel, Cyrus, Egypt, Lebanon, months earlier, to return home, having immediately, on my arrival by boat from Cyprus to war-torn Lebanon, ‘handpicked’ to be invited to visit military operations. An offer that led to a visit to humanitarian and military head operatives, the day before I was to depart.
Followed by a phone call, the next day’s scheduled departure, ‘insistence’ I attend their safe house location in which I was asked to represent Lebanon in Washington. Having declined, I was given the ‘Peace Mission’ document to tell the world what was required for peace to be restored in the Middle East – see attached above.
Both Adelaide competing newspaper Editors, Piers Akerman, Ric Acott were keen to publish, though Akerman, who I still consider a good mate, trustworthy and compassionate, ‘advised’ me that I ‘was walking on thin ice’…and not as keen as Murdoch’s ‘family’ press, the Adelaide News.
The article passed many hands, including media giants, the late great, Des Colquhoun; lauded by so many senior ‘media-mights’ before it was agreed…that then led to me as a regular weekly columnist, alongside Ita and Pru Goward, in the ‘Weekend Edition Adelaide News’.
The ‘unique’ terms and conditions in which I agreed to become a columnist, were agreed to…that then followed a wave of controversy that changed my life, as was also ‘predicted’. My life in the lap of God!
So, I say to the hypnotised media, you have fallen well short of comprehending the underlying truths - that has become another war in itself.
So I repeat, this world is in for a massive shift as shameless crackpots indulge in self-interest, digging their own graves and that of the wider world as it has become more than obvious US, international rated ‘Greats’, who knew truth from fiction; my much loved trusting, trusted, great mates, lauded as the best of the best – the likes of Tex Harris and Dr Don Beck, who have since departed, leaving no one of the same capacities to effectively deal with what will become world-wide disaster like never known in our lifetime…….
Has it not been noticed how our world has already been turned upside…right down to neighbour against neighbour; violence, teaching children, ‘monkey see monkey do’ behaviours to cause human harm, using every weapon, from knives, drugs, crime.? And, in my personal case, weaponizing dogs to bark during sleep hours… night long, to cause me human harm as vindictive retaliation for requesting peaceful living conditions… as they continue to 'use' unlawful calculated means - to trick local Council – fake recorded barking - family Police officers to ‘attack’ to damage my home!
This is now our ugly world, coupled with corruption in the political, legal, commercial sectors …everyday living – not including the sad loss of the amazing KC, The Hon Malcolm Fraser Blue…and many enlightened worldly greats, mates, senior officers of long ago who had my back…as did the great love of my life; gone too soon, prematurely, the result of in-house deceit, abuse, criminality - and an alleged cover-up!???
How can anyone believe this world is worth saving as it stands….???????
Truth-telling does not rate in ‘this world’!???
My Great Mate; Supporter; Tex Harris
My Great Mate; Supporter; Dr Don Beck
Extract Memoir (pages 188 -192) also ‘channelled’; Making Sense of Life Before We L’Eve Those Were The Days….’no more’! ???????
“If I could have insulated myself by allowing others to carry the message, much like I felt when I was given the 'inside' story of the 'Peace Mission' that went to Washington days earlier for a possible peace in Lebanon - I would have, but, no one would. Anyway, it was all to no avail. This time it didn't get a run. In one way I was relieved as I feared the repercussions - but I did try.
Days after 11 September I sent a message to former US Consul General, Tex Harris that would have worked hand in glove to support the strategy I had sent to Rupert Murdoch, had he used it. I pleaded with Tex to use whatever influence he had to assist the situation by getting the US Government to react with a worldwide cooperation strategy in place of warring weapons. We exchanged many 'heavy' email messages and I also used what I could from our communications to try to warn Australians not to vote in a Howard Government in the proposed article I wrote.
The depth of my emotion is contained in one of those messages sent to him in October of 2001, which read in part: "Hi Tex - you are probably wondering why I haven't responded following the 7 October attacks……
"Can you imagine how I felt waking up to hear the news that you guys were bombing in Afghanistan…… and since that time have had to listen to details on germ warfare - it is all so sickening. You call it honour/retaliation/defense - they call it terrorism. America must think the world is na?ve & most are, but the enlightened view is that you have repeated the same mistakes again.
“Where is Don Beck - is he not telling you the same? Where are the wisemen - not in/around the White House? God help us.
"I heard the Freudian slip Bush made - not reported widely - but I heard it when he stated: "and we will fail".
"When I listened to the first Bush address to the nation, I saw many elements of the strategy suggested to you. I know you felt a need to attack the terrorism bases & I accepted that however reluctantly - BUT then to keep on bombing, is like a red rag to a bull and gives them all the ammo they need. And in doing so your military stumbled and bombed a Red Cross site. Was there a message in that - you should ask yourselves?
"I am not so inclined to give out any more insights because I'm not sure you'll want to hear them.
"You recall that wonderful World Youth Expo (WYE) you gave me support with. How I met Don Beck - got an intro to the Centre for Leadership Studies etc etc.? Well guess what - that now forms the foundation of a 'Disaster Plan'…………
"Hearing that Bush called Howard last night to request military aid is the final straw………we have become part of the pawn in the game of 'life'. ….
"You - America have no right to involve Aust & make us more of a target, which we well will become. Aust has not been involved with international terrorism - check out my earlier definition of terrorism - par two - above - it is subtle so hope you get it.
"We are more than aware that we are involved by default. We are equally to blame for our present woes - directly/indirectly - all of us guilty of ignorance & apathy and a lack of common sense & stupidity that has led us to this moment in time. But we - Aust has not been the perpetrators of the heaviest of those crimes. Ours is born out of greed, corruption, injustice, ignorance & the fear and guilt that breeds/manifests the negative - America is about that ominous saying: "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely".
"Strength & military might does not equal wisdom, insight, knowledge & foresight - otherwise we would not be in this situation. But you are still not prepared to hear words of wisdom. The ego is still taking front running. Dead bodies are easy to bury, so are past mistakes, but it seems the ego lives on; full of deception and limiting your ability to 'see' beyond.
"Tex - forgive me my directness - you know me well enough to know I speak my mind shamelessly. I am just so saddened, so sickened and so sorry it has come to this. It seems there is not much left to lose.
“There was a moment when I believed we could stop the speeding train - (a dream/nightmare I had before the Twin Hearts Meditation for World Peace divinely timed on 31 August 2001- the one you could not attend.)
"Now I see it as a definite case of endings and new beginnings. To what degree….? I still think it is up to us.
"Here in Aust we have East Timor breathing down our necks with emotions running hot on this side of the world & the Arab world wanting to see America disempowered. I have read the info you send me so you should know by now it is not just Bin Laden - he is just one amongst many and not the worst of them either.
"At the start of this fiasco you said that you hoped that America did not lose it values - I say - America needs to have a good hard look at its 'values'. You have the expertise of Don Beck. You recommended him to me - now I am recommending him back to you. I have not spoken to him for some time - but if he can distance himself enough from American amnesia & fervour, he should be able to be a source of value to you. I have many strategies in my head but I don't think anyone over there is going to hear what I have to say at this point.
"Bush may be able to fool the media - the people of Aust - but I know that involving Aust at this time is considered by you guys to be a sign of support for a re-elected Howard Gov. and how many lives will it cost?
"God help us all! Please don't be angry with me. Maybe we should chat over the phone. You've got my number. I am in all day. With love, Yvonne." PS: I intend to send a copy of this to the friend to whom I referred to in this letter. Hope you don't mind. I trust you - but don't know who else is tuning in & I may need the insurance 'cover'!
Perhaps in reading this account, the PM can appreciate why he got the cold shoulder from me Grand Final day on his eager approach to News Ltd heads who I was standing chatting with at the time!
Howard made an enormous effort to communicate as I stood my distance ignoring his presence, though eventually I did shake his hand that he directed straight towards me. However, I did feel somewhat uncomfortable about embarrassing others in that group with my limp response, both of who had quietly turned away as a partner of one of them joined in, leaving the three of us to chat. So, eventually I succumbed, telling him, humorously, to stick to cricket as he knew little about Aussie Rules Football!
It is not so much that I do not like John Howard. In fact, I have met and happily chatted to him many times, all of which he would probably have forgotten in my 'previous life' in Adelaide. Or, perhaps that was why he kept looking at my strangely, trying to work out where I fitted in during our strained conversation?
What I can't forget and find hard to forgive, is the way Howard used his power to advantage himself and his Party without any consciousness about the ramifications of his self-serving actions. All with little, or no idea as to how they have made Australia divisive and conflict ridden. Particularly on the issue of race. He had another term to serve; time and opportunity to rectify that situation – but he failed in that mission. He is though, a good man - and given the peer pressure he was under to show more compassion, I believe he would at least try to remedy that wrong and the way he coloured our thinking on the issue of race – but failed again.
One thing that will is harder to overcome is the fact that he has made Australia a target for revenge.
So, why is it, at the gravest moment in humanity's history, have we world leaders who have a blatant disregard for commonsense values? Not even Nelson Mandela, who I suspect they all admire, could make them see their own 'shadow'.
Why did Australia endorse a war in Iraq - does anyone really know - least of all our supposed leaders? In another exchange of emails leading up to the attack on Iraq, on 13 March 2003, Tex wrote that: "this is the day the US and Brits wanted to go to war… and below that a quote from Moliere:
"All the ills of mankind,
All the tragic misfortunes that fill the history books,
All the political blunders,
All the failures of the great leaders,
Have arisen merely from a lack of skill at dancing."
My response to that, sent on 17 March - St Patrick's Day was, "….many of your former leaders/military might have been quoted recently as saying all past wars have occurred as a result of misunderstandings - will they also say that of this war in future years - I wonder?
From the position we are now placed in, I can only deduce that, for whatever reason, Australia needs the experience of trauma and loss to make us more aware of how our thinking and the decisions we make as a country shape these outcomes, as indeed is the same for the rest of mankind.”
Perhaps that is why world disasters occur - a world we have collectively created with all its negative elements that in turn conspires against us.
Perhaps these tragedies are designed for us to take on board greater consciousness to learn and grow, as is part of our individual and collective purpose.”
Yvonne Nicolas
Mental Health Advocate?
Author: ‘Making Sense of Life Before We L’Eve …Those Were The Days’?
Yvonne Nicolas, original member, SA Government?Premier’s Women’s Board Directory, at personal invitation of then Premier, is also a qualified counsellor: Lifeline, Youthline, Youthlink, street kids’ worker (C.I.T.Y.); NLP specialist / Reiki; Pranic; Feng Shui Practitioner / PR strategist / Major Events creator / writer / weekly newspaper Oped columnist (The Adelaide News) / TV producer; presenter / motivator / coach /?philanthropist / author;?‘Making Sense of Life Before We L’Eve…Those Were The Days’, and a founding member of the Mental Health Mission…United Action For Life Foundation Inc
A Cry For #Peace #Middle East
Founding Board Member at United Action For Life Foundation Inc
4 个月A Cry For #Peace #MiddleEast ??