Pathological Science - Zhang et al and the PNAS
I first encountered the term "pathological science" in the 1980s while taking a break in my laboratory and eagerly devouring the latest edition of "New Scientist." The article was about Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, who reported they had a device that produced anomalous heat, a phenomenon that "defied explanation." Thus began the "cold fusion" debacle. Perhaps these authors could be forgiven for simply misinterpreting their results?
But, what separates incorrect conclusions drawn from good science and just plain "bad science"? The answer can often be found in the intent of the researcher.
Sometimes bad-science is innocent (and even tragic) for example consider the case of TJ Sprott who in 1986 postulated that SIDS was caused by accidental poisoning due to gases generated by microbiological activity on materials in the baby’s cot.[1] I've chatted with Sprott and I believe he sincerely believed what he concluded, and with good reason.
But sometimes, bad-science is due to sloppy thinking such as the Wertheimer and Leeper papers[2] which claimed a causal relationship between EMFs and cancer. We have seen studies with methodological flaws that identified saccharine as a carcinogen[3]; there was Dearborn's fiasco which made the name of a normal, ordinary indoor mold called Stachybotrys into an imaginary "toxic black mold"[4] and so forth.
Sometimes, the flawed articles appear to be politically motivated, such as the myriad of flawed studies suddenly emerging that pretend to demonstrate the effectiveness of "face-masks" against the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (thus trying to overturn some 80 years of legitimate research and the entire body of scientific knowledge to the contrary). What are we to make of the retraction of two recent COVID-19 related papers from The Lancet[5] and the New England Journal of Medicine[6]? One hardly needs to state the preeminent position both of these publications hold and therefore, the disturbing ramifications of the retractions.
Now enter "The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences," arguably one of those still-reliable sources of objective and sound science who in 2012 revealed that the most common reason for retraction of 2,047 peer reviewed articles they reviewed was fraud or suspected fraud.[7] Since the recognition of the problem of scientific fraud was so obviously obvious to the PNAS, how then are we to explain the very recent publication of Zhang R, Annie Y Zhang L, Wang Y, Molinae M: Identifying airborne transmission as the dominant route for the spread of COVID-19 (fast-tracked through the PNAS on June 11, 2020)?
Zhang et al, tried to argue their study showed the effectiveness of community "face-masks" but the work was not capable of reaching that conclusion and almost immediately, the work came under fire when no fewer than 40 scientists immediately contacted the PNAS and demanded the retraction of the faulty paper.[8]
The scientists begin their request for review thusly:
"We are writing with deep concerns about a paper recently published in your journal, entitled “Identifying airborne transmission as the dominant route for the spread of COVID-19.” The paper made extraordinary claims about routes of transmission, the effectiveness of mask-wearing, and by implication, the ineffectiveness of other non-pharmaceutical interventions."
The concerned scientists then go into details and provide a discussion of why they are making their request.
Nevertheless, many people with a poor grasp of science are still referencing the Zhang paper (and similarly flawed papers) to reinforce their own political views, in spite of the fact that at least one of the authors publically apologized for the poor work.
To be succinct, as of today, July 17, 2020, and certainly after the publication of the Zhang et al article there STILL is no science to back the current community face-mask wearing craze that is a politically motivated fear-based movement.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus has, if anything, magnified the problem of political motivation that is infiltrating science and fouling the stew (again we need only to turn to the retraction of two recent COVID-19 related papers from The Lancet[9] and the New England Journal of Medicine.[10])
But scientific fraud is certainly not new, and one of my favorite perpetrators is Galileo Galilei who started his illustrious career by claiming to the Venetian Fathers that he had invented a new thing called a "telescope." The Venetian Fathers were, of course, already aware of Lippershey's invention from a year earlier and Galileo was quickly called out on the falsehood.[11]
Politically motivated scientific fraud has continued to develop with human understanding through the course of history, from Galileo to Darwin[12] on through to Lysenko and now to this very day. What caused Darwin to propose his speculations? Darwin himself openly admitted that there was not the slightest shred of evidence to support his ideas (which weren't really his, and the problem associated with his plagiarism has been quietly brushed under the historical carpet… to fester) Furthermore, Darwin knew the Silurian deposits in his own country killed his theory before it even got started.
So why the ruse? The answer is the same answer that blinded Charles Walcott and robbed him of a rightful place in scientific history and for which the decidedly dishonest Ernst Haeckel knowingly falsified his drawings (which are still being used by some university texts to this day), and it is the reason poor old Pierre Duhem was persecuted for his stance on maintaining good science in the age of "The Enlightenment." The answer is "Politics."
If anyone thinks that persecution such as that experienced by Duhem no longer exists, one need only to revisit the problems encountered by Richard Sternberg when he allowed the publication of the science philosopher Stephen Meyer in the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington[13] and one should read the fascinating politics of science now raging in the Global Warming hoax.[14],[15]
Scientific fraud abounds, and the more passionate the cause, the more frequent and blatant the fraud.
In this last series of reviews, I have discussed some papers specifically that are flying around the internet, and that are being referenced in an effort to built the tautological argument for community mask-wearing by those with a political motivation to advocate the entirely unscientific, and unhealthy practice.
But, be it intentional fraud, or just plain junk science, that is less important than the fact that the general public and most people who should know better, take these "scientific papers" at face value and if the paper supports their political objective, they automatically believe the papers are "good science" (even when the authors admit they mislead) instead of being good scientists and critically reviewing the articles for themselves.
Science is not in crisis during the current pandemic - science is where science has always been - in the swamp of Man's desire to dominate at any cost. Unless one has a foundational philosophy in objective truth and the discernment of that truth, one will never see the Devil in the Details.
Caoimhín P. Connell, Forensic Industrial Hygienist, July 17, 2020
Other COVID-19 discussions by CP Connell:
How to Peddle Backward - What happened to the 2020 Flu Epidemic? A summary of the US Crude Mortality Rate's refusal to cooperate with the popular narrative.
WHO thought this was a good idea... (Comments regarding the December 1, 2020, "Mask use in the context of COVID-19".)
The Failing Mask Cure Aid a review of Bundgaard H, Bundgaard JS, Raaschou-Pedersen DET, et al, "Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers, A Randomized Controlled Trial" (Ann. Int. Med. Nov 18, 2020, https://doi dot org/10.7326/M20-6817).
Don't be a Maskhole, Karen A review of Zeng N, Li Z, Ng S, Chen D, Zhou H, Epidemiology reveals mask wearing by the public is crucial for COVID-19 control. (Medicine in Microecology,
Masks, and the new Doctor Schnabel von Rom: Review of Stadnytskyi V, Bax CE, Bax A, Anfinru P, The airborne lifetime of small speech droplets and their potential importance in SARS-CoV-2 transmission (Approved by PNAS May 2020:
Pathological Science - Zhang et al and the PNAS: Zhang R, Annie Y Zhang L, Wang Y, Molinae M: Identifying airborne transmission as the dominant route for the spread of COVID-19 (fast-tracked through the PNAS on June 11, 2020)
Defacing Mask Science - Rossettie S, Perry C, Pourghaed M, Zumwalt M, "Effectiveness of manufactured surgical masks, respirators, and home-made masks in prevention of respiratory infection due to airborne microorganisms" The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles 2020;8(34):11–26
Masks - Don't look behind the curtain: Review of Vivek Kumar, Sravankumar Nallamothu, Sourabh Shrivastava, Harshrajsinh Jadeja, Pravin Nakod, Prem Andrade, Pankaj Doshi, Guruswamy Kumaraswamy "On the utility of cloth facemasks for controlling ejecta during respiratory events "
Size matters! A Brief Description of filtering mechanisms and size.
Materials v. Masks: A review of Konda A, Prakash A, Moss GA, Schmoldt M, Grant GD, Guha S "Aerosol Filtration Efficiency of Common Fabrics Used in Respiratory Cloth Masks" (American Chemical Society, April 2020)
"Junk Science: In Favor of Community Face Masks - a return to Lysenkoism" A review of: Jeremy Howard, Austin Huang, Zhiyuan Li, Zeynep Tufekci, Vladimir Zdimal, Helene-Mari van der Westhuizen, Arne von Delft, Amy Price, Lex Fridman, Lei-Han Tang, Viola Tang, Gregory L. Watson, Christina E. Bax, Reshama Shaikh, Frederik Questier, Danny Hernandez, Larry F. Chu, Christina M. Ramirez, Anne W. Rimoin Face Masks Against COVID-19: An Evidence Review NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 13 May 2020
Wishful Science - A review of Anna Davies, BSc, Katy-Anne Thompson, BSc, Karthika Giri, BSc, George Kafatos, MSc, Jimmy Walker, PhD, and Allan Bennett, MSc Testing the Efficacy of Homemade Masks: Would They Protect in an Influenza Pandemic? (Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness. 2013;7:413-418)
If Manikins Could Fly… A Review of Eikenberry SE, Mancuso M, Iboi E, Phan T, Eikenberry K, Kuang Y, Kostelich E, Gumel AB "To mask or not to mask: Modeling the potential for face mask use by the general public to curtail the COVID-19 pandemic" (Infectious Disease Modelling 5 (2020) pp. 293-308)
Review of Cheng VC, Wong S, Chuang V, So S, et al "The role of community-wide wearing of face mask for control of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic due to SARS-CoV-2" (Journal of Infection April 30, 2020;16:13)
Gassed Masks! Reactivation of viruses and deoxygenation during mask wearing.
Masking the Truth - A discussion of aerosols and droplets
We R0 New York City - A discussion of the basic reproduction number.
The epidemic of ignorance: Lessons from "Flattening the Curve" April 14, 2020
Think Tanks! The Dangers of Group-Think April 13, 2020
[1] Sprott TJ. "Cot death theory worthy of airing" Sunday Star, Auckland, New Zealand (20 April 1986)
[2] Wertheimer N, Leeper E " Adult cancer related to electrical wires near the home" Int J Epidemiol. 1982 Dec;11(4):345-55. doi: 10.1093/ije/11.4.345.
[3] Bryan and Co. Science 1970; 168:1238-1240.
[4] Dearborn DG, Infeld MD, Smith P, et al "Acute Pulmonary Hemorrhage/Hemosiderosis Among Infants — Cleveland, January 1993–November 1994" MMWR Dec. 9, 1994 / 43(48);881-883
[5] Mehra R, Desai SS, Ruschitzka F, et al "Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis" (RETRACTED) Published: May 22, 2020 (DOI:
[6] Mehra M, Desai SS, Kuy S, et al "Cardiovascular Disease, Drug Therapy, and Mortality in Covid-19" June 18, 2020, N Engl J Med 2020; 382:e102 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2007621
[7] Fang FC, Steen RG, Casadevall A, "Misconduct Accounts for the Majority of Retracted Scientific Publications" October 16, 2012 edition (Vol. 109, No. 42)
[8] Haber N, Grabowski MK, Larremore DB, Wada N, Goodman SN (plus 35 others), June 18, 2020 letter to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences calling for a retraction of the Zhang et al paper.
[9] Mehra R, Desai SS, Ruschitzka F, et al "Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis" (RETRACTED) Published: May 22, 2020 (DOI:
[10] Mehra M, Desai SS, Kuy S, et al "Cardiovascular Disease, Drug Therapy, and Mortality in Covid-19" June 18, 2020, N Engl J Med 2020; 382:e102 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2007621
[11] See my comments on the Galileo Affair here:
[12] See my comments here:
[13] Meyer SC, "The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories," Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 117 (2004): 213-39;
[14] Shattered Consensus Ed: Patrick J Michaels, Rowman and Littlefield Pubs. 2005, 0-7425-4922-4ISBN:
[15] Michaels PJ, Knappenberger PC, "Lukewarming", Cato Institute Pubs. 2016