Pathfinder STEM Impacts with Cameron Clarke, UAH
AUVSI Pathfinder sat down with Cameron Clarke to get an update on is research funded by a AUVSI Pathfinder grant.

Pathfinder STEM Impacts with Cameron Clarke, UAH

Cameron Clarke is an undergraduate research assistant at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Cameron was selected by the AUVSI Pathfinder Charitable Foundation Board of Directors in 2022 to receive a research grant to enhance his opportunities to pursue STEM research and education. AUVSI Pathfinder spoke to Cameron about his experience since receiving the STEM grant.

Can you describe what receiving the grant from AUVSI Pathfinder meant to you personally and how it has influenced your academic and professional journey?

[Cameron Clarke, UAH Undergraduate Researcher] Receiving the grant from AUVSI pathfinder helped me feel like a valued part of the large community of UAS researchers, developers, and operators that AUVSI Pathfinder supports.?

[Cameron] Getting the grant from AUVSI enabled me to explore my interests through projects that directly contribute to my journey as an engineer and student.

Could you share a specific project or endeavor that you pursued with the funding that aligns with these interests?

[Cameron] When I got the AUVSI grant I quickly determined that I wanted to learn more about the design and integration of embedded systems and printed circuit boards. I set an ambitious goal for myself: I wanted to learn how to design and manufacture printed circuit boards so that I could eventually make my own all-in-one flight controller. As PCBs are involved in almost every part of a complex UAS, I felt I was justified in my interest.

Tell us about a memorable moment or achievement from your UAS project that you are particularly proud of, and how this experience has contributed to your growth as a student and researcher.

[Cameron] As the first step in the process of learning about embedded systems, I wanted to make something simple. I created a tiny circuit board that controls individually addressable light strips over Wi Fi / Bluetooth and powers them using USB-C. I ordered the boards from a PCB manufacturer, tediously placed each of the 13 tiny components onto the board, and reflowed the solder to set them in place. I could not have been happier when I saw the first test pattern illuminate my room. With this board I had marked the start of my foray into the complex world of embedded systems engineering.

[Cameron] In the year since I received the AUVSI Pathfinder scholarship I have managed to design almost a dozen boards and built substantially more; the most capable of which can intelligently drive a NEMA17 stepper motor as a closed loop controller with wireless communication.

How has the AUVSI Pathfinder's mission resonated with you, and how do you see it impacting the broader STEM community?

[Cameron] While I cannot speak to AUVSI Pathfinder’s mission itself, AUVSI Pathfinder’s actions have directly enabled me to pursue my interests in the field of UAS through the grant. I am not unique when it comes to my interest in UAS. By supporting students in STEM like myself I foresee AUVSI Pathfinder having an overwhelming positive impact on the UAS field by enabling those who are interested in UAS to explore their passions.

In building a UAS from scratch, you must have encountered challenges. What are the most significant hurdles you faced during your project and how did you overcome them?

[Cameron] Soon after the success of my first PCB I overestimated my capabilities and proceeded directly to my first attempt at creating a flight controller. In the process of assembling and testing my flight controller design I encountered shortcomings in the tools available to me, my understanding of the I2C protocol, and my assembly process when using QFN IC packages. To overcome these challenges I took a step back and focused on learning the fundamentals and leveraging existing wisdom regarding embedded systems.

How has your involvement with AUVSI Pathfinder and your UAS project shaped your perspective on teamwork, leadership, and collaboration?

[Cameron] I have encountered a recurring theme throughout my involvement in UAS: When our community works together towards a common goal progress is accelerated to an unbelievable pace. A good example of this is the Ardupilot community. The members of the Ardupilot community work together developing firmware that makes custom built UAS far more accessible to the public, despite the inherent complexity of developing a robust UAS.

As a student and research assistant at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, how do you envision the skills and knowledge you've gained from this project contributing to your future career aspirations?

[Cameron] Learning how to design embedded systems like flight controllers has already had a positive impact on my career and academic endeavors. In learning how to create these systems from the ground up the options for what I can feasibly achieve has grown exponentially. There have already been several instances in my budding career and education where I have been able to improve my solutions to problems by leveraging the skills I have gained through this endeavor.

AUVSI Pathfinder aims to support local STEM initiatives. Could you share your thoughts on the importance of fostering STEM education within the community and how your own experiences tie into this mission?

[Cameron] I think AUVSI Pathfinder’s aim to support local STEM initiatives is beneficial to both STEM and the UAS field as it provides opportunities that might otherwise not have been possible. Lack of STEM support could potentially lead to communities like Ardupilot facing the risk of losing the very foundation that enables their existence.

Reflecting on your journey so far, how do you see yourself continuing to be a part of the AUVSI Pathfinder community and contributing to its goals in the future?

[Cameron] As I look back on my journey thus far, I envision myself maintaining an active role within the AUVSI Pathfinder community, steadfastly contributing to its objectives in the years to come. I am committed to fostering collaboration, sharing insights, and leveraging my experiences to further advance the collective goals of the community.

What advice would you offer to other students who aspire to make a meaningful impact in the fields of UAS, robotics, and STEM education?

[Cameron] Valuable advice I offer to fellow students aspiring to create a meaningful impact within UAS, robotics, and STEM education is to actively seek real-world involvement by undertaking personal projects that enhance skills and involve hands-on experience. Embrace the opportunity to explore diverse STEM domains without hesitation. Acquiring even a modest understanding in each field enhances your ability to effectively address challenges. The common phrase applies: When you only have a hammer everything looks like a nail, if you can arm yourself with more tools your solutions will tend to improve.

If you or someone you know should be considered for an AUVSI Undergraduate Research Grant, we want to know! Please reach out to [email protected] for more information.

Copyright, AUVSI Pathfinder Chapter 2023


