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Part of my ongoing series of deep philosophical posts by one of the greatest sages ever to emerge from the East, Swami Rama Tirtha. In Mahatma Gandhi's words, "Swami Rama Tirtha was one of the greatest souls, not only of India, but of the whole world."
This Lecture was delivered on March 1, 1903 in the United States.
The subject of tonight's discourse, as announced in the papers, is "The Path of Truth. This is a heading which might have some meaning to the Western ears; but from the stand-point of Vedanta, this is an erroneous title. The path to Truth or the path of Truth is a contradiction in terms. Truth is not distant. How can there be a path to it then? Truth is with you already, it is your Self already. You are in it already, nay, you are Truth. You are that. So it is wrong to make use of the words - Path of Truth.
Your realization of God-consciousness, realization of Divinity is not a thing to be accomplished, it is not a thing to be achieved, it is not a thing to be done; it is done already. You are that already. You have simply to break through the cocoons of desires which imprison you; you have simply to undo what you have done. You have not to do anything, in the positive sense of the word, in order to realize God. Simply undo what you have done in the way of making your prison house, and there you are God already. Truth personified already. But this undoing of what has been done is to some a very hard task, and thus with reference to the path to Truth we shall discuss the process of undoing.
There is some effort to be made in undoing your snares. What are these snares, these chains and shackles which bind you? Your ears may today appreciate it or not, the Americans and Europeans may today mark the beauty of this statement or not, the truth remains there all the same. The truth is that all your attachments, all your loves and hatreds, all your desires are shackles and chains. These bind you. These do not allow you to see God. These are your prison house. Your desires bind you. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve Mammon and God at the same time. You cannot be a slave of the flesh and at the same time the master of the Universe. To realize the Truth is to become the master of the Universe, and to entertain desires is to acknowledge bondage, thraldom and slavery of the things of this world, flesh objects. Everybody desires to become Christ, everybody wants to realize the Truth, to become a prophet, but very few, if any, are ready to pay the price.
There was in Bharat (India) a great wrestler and athlete. He wanted a barber to tattoo him, to engrave on his arm the picture of a lion. He told the barber to paint a great, magnificent lion on both his arms. He said he was born under the right influence of the sign of the zodiac - Lion, Leo, and he was supposed to be a very brave man. The barber took up the needle to tattoo him, and just when he was pricking a little, the athlete could not bear it. He began to pant for breath, and addressed the barber, "Wait, wait, what are you going to do? "The barber said that he was going to draw the tail of the lion. This fellow, in reality, could not stand the pricking sensation, but made a very queer pretence, and said, “Don't you know that fashionable people cut off the tails of their dogs and horses, and so the lion which has no tail is considered a very strong lion. Why are you drawing the tail of the lion? The tail is not needed". "Alright", said the barber, "I won't draw the tail, I will draw the other parts of the lion." The barber took up the needle again, and just pricked it through his skin. This too the fellow could not bear. He remonstrated and said, "What are you going to do next?" The barber said, "I am going to draw the ears of the lion." The man said again, "O barber, you are very foolish. Don't you know the people cut off the ears of their dogs? They don't keep dogs with long ears. Don't you know that the lion which is without ears is the best? "The barber desisted. After a while the barber took up his needle and was again pricking him. The man could not bear it and remonstrated, saying, "What are you going to do now, O barber? "The barber said, "I am going to paint now the waist of the lion," There the man said, "Haven't you read our poetry, haven't you read the accounts given by Indian poets? Lions are always painted as having a very small, thin, nominal waist? You need not draw the waist of the lion." The barber now threw aside his colours and his painting needle, and asked the fellow to go away from his presence.
Here is a man who asserts that he is lion under the influence of the sign of the zodiac or Leo. Here is a man who pretends to be a great wrestler, a great athlete; here is a man who calls himself a lion. He wants to have lions tattooed all over his body, but he cannot bear the sting of a needle. Such are the majority of people who want to see God, who want to realize Vedanta, who want to know the whole truth this moment, this second, who want to accomplish everything, to become Christ in half a minute. When the time comes to get that lion - Truth - painted in their souls, to get that lion of righteousness painted or tattooed in their being, they cannot bear the sting, the stinging sensation, there they hesitate. The price I will not pay, but the thing I want.
In order that you may reach the Truth and realize the Divinity, your dearest wants and desires will be pricked through and through, your dearest wants and attachments will have to be severed, all your favourite superstitions and prejudices will have to be wiped out, all your preconceived notions will have to be torn aside. Free you will have to become of all the debasing and degrading yearnings, pure you will have to make yourself. Purity, purity. Without paying the price, you cannot reach God, you cannot regain your own birthright. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. And what is purity of heart? Whether you relish these words today or not, you will have to relish them one day, you will have to come to the same conclusion today or tomorrow. The conclusion is that all attachment whether it be the attachment to your house, your clock, or your dog, let it be attachment to anything, father, mother or child, for a man who aspires to the realization of Truth, for a man who wants to gain possession of the whole Truth this moment, for a man of noble aspirations, is just as degrading and weakening as adultery. Purity of heart means making yourself free of all clinging to the objects of the world. Renunciation, nothing short of it. Purity of heart means that. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Gain this purity and you see God.
There is a very beautiful story in the old mythology of Atlanta. They say that every man who wanted to wed her had to run a race with her. Nobody could get ahead of her but one person consulted his god Jupiter and asked the advice of his favourite god as to the way of outrunning Atlanta and winning her. The god gave him a very queer advice. He told this man to bestrew the path along which they had to run with gold bricks. You know the god Jupiter could not help this devotee to outrun Atlanta in any other way. This Atlanta had got from the highest deity, a boon which made her the strongest and swiftest being in the whole Universe. But this devotee of Jupiter threw gold bricks all along the race-course, and challenged Atlanta to run a race with him. Both began to run. This man was naturally much weaker than Atlanta. She outran him in one second, but as she had lost sight of him, she saw gold bricks lying along the path and stooped to pick them up. While she was picking up the gold bricks, that devotee went ahead of her. There, after a minute or so, she overtook him again and again saw to the left of the race-course another brick. She went to pick up that brick and got it. In the meantime that devotee of Jupiter went ahead of her and after a while she got him again, and there she found some more gold bricks. She stooped to pick up those; in the meantime that fellow outran her and so on. Towards the close of the race, Atlanta had got with her a very heavy load of gold. It was very difficult for her to carry it and also outrun him. Finally that man got the better of Atlanta, who was won. All the gold that Atlanta had got also fell to the share of the man who outran her, it went to him and she herself went over to that man. He got everything.
Such is the way with most people who want to tread the path of Righteousness and the path of Truth. When you commence to tread the path of Truth, you find all sorts of base lucre and worldly temptations around you. You sloop to pick them up, but the moment you do so and enjoy these worldly temptations and enjoyments, you find you are lagging behind. You are losing the race, procrastinating, making your path dreary, and losing everything. Beware of worldly attachment and materiality. You cannot reach the Truth and also enjoy worldly pleasures. The saying goes that if you enjoy the Truth, you will no longer be able to enjoy worldly pleasures. Enjoy worldly pleasures and Truth will elude your grasp, get ahead of you.
Rama (always referred to himself in the third person) is telling you the Truth today. So many people come to Rama and say to him over and over again that they want realization. You may gain realization this moment. Get rid of attachment and at the same time shake off all hatred-and jealousy. What is jealousy, what is hatred? It is inverted attachment. When we hate somebody, it is because we are attached to something else. Have all your attachments severed from every object, and concentrate yourself on one thing, the one fact, one truth, your divinity. Immediately on the spot you gain realization. The Truth concerns the whole human race. Divinity or Truth concerns all time, is eternal, and your worldly ties are not so. They are momentary. Bear in mind the law that what is really good for you, must be really good for your wife or your companions.
There is a saying in the English language that the wind and wave are always for the brave. All nature stands up on your side when you persist, when you overcome the primitive seeming difficulties. If you overcome the struggles or temptations in the beginning, nature must serve you. Persist in standing by the Truth, and you will find that you live in no ordinary world. The world will be a world of miracles for you, miracles all around you, and woe unto the gods if they do not lackey you in your advance onward. Nature is waiting anxiously upon the ruler of the Universe. You are the master of the Universe, you are the husband of the whole world, if you persist by the Truth.
Here in order to realize the truth, to tread the path of righteousness, give up all attachment, rise above worldly desires and selfish clingings. If you free yourself of worldly clingings and selfish desires, what about the Truth? Truth you are this moment. Fools pray, "More light, I want more light.” You need not pray that way. You need not waste even a prayer on calling for Light. If you make yourselves this second divested of all desires, if you free yourselves of all worldly clingings, Light you are. You know that every desire of yours chops out a part of yourself, leaves you only a small fraction of yourself. How seldom it is that we meet a whole man! A whole man is an inspired man, a whole man is the Truth. Every wish or clinging makes you a proper fraction, but in reality an improper portion, insignificant portion of yourself. The very moment you cast overboard these desires, clingings, loves, hatreds and attachments and also throw off even the desire for light and chant OM (Sanskrit – sacred sound signifying the Truth or God) for a second, freeing yourself from hatred and attachment, well balanced in equilibrium, nothing of yourself left with that person, with that body, or with that object, all that part of yourself which you have left with this object or desire gone, sit still, chant OM and then think who it is within you. Is it not your own Self that makes the hair grow and the blood flow through your veins? Is it not your own Self who created this body? This wonderful world is also your handiwork. This is your own creation most certainly. Mark it. Who is it that hears through you? Is it not your Self? Who is it that sees through you? Is it not your Self? Who is it that makes the blood flow in your veins? Is it not your Self? And if that Self of yours could work out such marvellous fact, the world is your own creation. Feel that and rejoice in your own divinity, and derive pleasure from within You, enjoy happiness of your own Atman (Self or Soul). Throw aside all abnormal desires and inordinate wishes. Chant OM, OM. If you do that for a few moments, your whole being from head to foot becomes Light. Why pray for Light when Light is your own self? You become Light immediately. Make yourself whole, get rid of desires and attachment, get rid of this repulsion and attraction. It is attachment that detaches. When you reach home, see to what you are attached. If you are attached to name or fame, give up that. If you are attached to the desire for popularity, detach yourself from it; if you are attached even to the wish, to the desire to help the world, give that up. This seems to be something inordinate. Why should the world be so poor as to be begging help from you all the time?
Rama says take up your duty or work with no notice or desire on your part. Do your work, enjoy your work, because your work by itself is pleasure, because work is the other name of realization. Take to your work because work you have to do. Work leads you to realization. Do not take to work on any other ground. Come to your work in an independent spirit, just as a prince to play football or some other game for pleasure's sake, so come to your work because pleasure or happiness lives in the garb of work. Independent we feel, not bound by a thing.
People say duty, duty, duty. Why should Duty lord it over you? Feel no responsibility to anybody, you are your own lord. Have no fear. We say you will have to work, but when doing other work, which work you make religious, which you make holy and sacred, you are engaged in that, well and good; when your hands are not employed, when your hands are free and you are sitting in your room, enjoy your godhead, relish your divinity. That is the finest work. There throw aside all attachment you own. People say that attachment is necessary, motives are necessary to make us work. A false idea. Give up all attachment, free yourself of all desires, and the very second you find yourself free, you feel no responsibility or burdens thrown on your shoulders. All the burdens on your shoulders are placed there by yourself. Nobody is required to come and relieve you of the burdens. When you find that there is no burden on your shoulders, when you find all the objects of love are with you, when you live this Vedanta, your whole being is Light, Being the Light of lights, to whom are you to pray for Light? This is the secret. Free you become. Who puts you in bondage? Who it is that enslaves you? Your own desires, nothing else. All the magnetism of the world, all the powers of the world flow from you, all the miracles of the world are your abject slaves, nothing more. Get rid of these desires, free you become this moment, and when you get rid of all desires, what immense joy should it not bring you? No responsibility, no fear. Why should you fear? Because you are afraid that this thing should be lost. You fear this man, you fear that, you fear ridicule, because you desire this good name, you are attached to good name. All fear and anxiety is the result of desires. Headaches and heartaches are the consequence of desires. You cringe and sneak before the President or King, because you desire his good grace. You become the Lord of lords, the King of kings when you are free of desires, when one by one these desires are thrown off. How free and happy you become that moment! Thus Rama says that the path of Truth is not a thing to be accomplished or brought about, your exertions and efforts are that you will have to undo simply the bondage and thraldom which you have already done through your desires.
Swami Rama Tirtha (22 October 1873 – 27 October 1906) was formerly Professor of Mathematics and lectured on Vedanta Philosophy in Japan, all over India and extensively in the USA for a number of years.