The Path to a shared future is built on diversity and inclusion
Alain Dehaze
Chairman and Board Member | Senior Advisor | Investor | Transformation Leader | Ex-CEO The Adecco Group | ESG | Driven by People, Purpose and Impact
Disruption is the new normal. Today’s world economy stands out for its complexity, uncertainty and the breathtaking pace of technological change. Keeping abreast requires extraordinary understanding and agility. Both can be enhanced, in business or government, by promoting diversity and inclusion.
But diversity is one of those tricky concepts that is easy to misunderstand. Once, it principally signified compliance. Then it began to be promoted as a tool to match the different strata of societies in which companies operated in order to better understand and predict stakeholders’ needs. Over time, diversity has come to be acknowledged as an essential enhancer of corporate productivity, performance and talent engagement.
Look at the evidence
While recruiting the best talent remains essential, diversity trumps talent. Different studies show cognitively diverse teams regularly outperform counterparts comprising “just” highly gifted people. Diverse groups do best at complex problems and innovation when the facts aren’t clear: each individual’s perspective allows him or her to tackle challenges differently, and, when stuck, rely on others’ differing points of views to progress.
Unfortunately, it is hard to find a single model to promote diversity. Revealingly, this year’s Global Talent Competitiveness Index by INSEAD, the Adecco Group and Tata Communications, shows that top talent-champion countries are not consistently successful when it comes to diversity and inclusion.
The fact is that, beyond all the bombast, diversity is hard, and no country or company has completely cracked it yet. Combing the GTCI reveals that top-ranking Switzerland, for all its strengths across all six pillars of the model, ranks only 21st in leadership opportunities for women; Nordic countries rank very highly for social mobility and gender parity, but lag in attracting foreign talent and developing multicultural societies. Finland is only 35th for external openness, for example.
The same is true for companies, and we in the Adecco Group are no exception. Although 61% of our 33,000 global staff are women, doing skilled and amazing work, that percentage drops at executive level.
Learning through exposure to different cultures and being challenged by different systems stimulates deeper and more complex thinking, problem solving, flexibility and creativity.
Of course we are working on it – but change won’t come overnight. And, of course, it is not only about gender: from age to different abilities, ‘identity diversity’ permits the ‘cognitive diversity’ needed to tackle today’s challenges and unpredictability. This is where we are making an effort: by bringing young people into the workplace, by helping organisations integrate people with different abilities, including elite athletes, into the labour market.
Diversity requires commitment. Achieving the superior performance diversity can produce needs further action - most notably, a commitment to develop a culture of inclusion. People do not just need to be different, they need to be fully involved and feel their voices are heard.
We must start young
That’s easier said than done, as the approach does not come naturally, and it requires social skills and collective intelligence. It is paramount start early.
I try to see the process as a life cycle. Nurturing an inclusive culture begins in the family. Home is the first place to foster openness and a culture of inclusion. That means assigning the same tasks and expecting the same results from sons and daughters – a gender neutral and collaborative approach that can nip stereotypes and unconscious bias in the bud.
Similar efforts should be formalised at school. Education from kindergarten is the place to shape a culture of inclusion, combat stereotypes and unleash people’s potential. This is where we develop our social and collaborative skills, embrace differences and celebrate their richness. So our schools should deepen training in appreciating diversity and in collaboration.
University often provides a first real opportunity for international exchange and multicultural training. Programmes like Europe’s Erasmus project, which celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2017, are particularly welcome. It’s worth remembering that academic research teams nowadays are, by default, always extremely cognitively diverse to foster innovation, lateral thinking and problem solving.
Talent mobility is crucial here. ‘Brain circulation’ – the buzzword used to denote open environments and international exposure - boosts diverse personal experience and cognitive diversity in its wake. Learning through exposure to different cultures and being challenged by different systems stimulates deeper and more complex thinking, problem solving, flexibility and creativity. Finally, role models are particularly apt at smashing gender preconceptions, starting with the potential for boosting girl’s participation in STEM studies.
A common place for role models is the workplace. But for diversity to be effective, it must be managed properly. Recruiters can implement inclusive approaches throughout people’s careers. In the hiring process, beyond fighting bias, recruiters must think proactively about the differences in culture, mindset, and leadership styles in their teams.
Governments and employers must act
Achieving these aims requires action.
- Political leaders must focus on innovative education policies and on stimulating openness.
- The same applies locally and regionally. Zurich, which leads the cities section of GTCI 2018, stands out for its openness, alongside business-government relations and international relations.
- Employers must prioritize diversity and inclusion from the top and operationalize such policies across their organisations.
- They should foster cultures of inclusion beyond superficial ‘identity diversity’ by concentrating on training and by creating environments in which everyone feels respected and heard.
Talking about listening, I’d like to open the dialogue, and I invite readers to respond, share ideas, and best practice. The journey to excellence via diversity and inclusion is a challenging one, but the promise of a shared future, overcoming the fractures of our age, is worth it.
Setting the right tone from the top is essen-tial, but not sufficient. Organisations also need to ‘operationalise’ diversity and inclusion by embedding such concepts into every-day business practice. That means, for example, redefining the way managers hire, run teams, assign targets, and promote and remunerate individuals. Diversity training, and training in collaborative skills are key tools here.
Global Fleet support manager @ Volvo Cars
6 年On the topic of fostering cultures of inclusion and creating environments in which everyone feels respected and heard I would like to lift something from my own experience. I have worked for several staffing companies and have had assignments in different companies. I have experienced huge differences in company culture when it comes to including the staffing employees at the work place. I have been allowed to participate in meetings and fun staffing activities at some work places as well as having been shut out from meetings and activities on other ones. Guess which ones I preferred? One area of improvement I have discovered as an ambulant clerk is the clarification of division between the employee of a staffing company and the employees of the company where the work is delivered. At least on long term assignments it should be addressed in an initial faze between the staffing company and the assignment company and explained to the staffing company employee what is to be expected. Boundaries should be declared and agreed upon by all parties, preferably, to set expectations and allow all parties to decide what works best for them. Greetings from Sweden
Stress-Free Performance | Emotional Mastery | Flow & Zone State ?? Speaker & Coach
6 年Inherent bias and a prevailing lack of belief that team diversity is a strength, require leaders to do more than "set the tone", which is often interpreted as "talk the talk". Is the leadership team modelling diversity in its own make-up? When diversity is celebrated rather than just talked about, when teams are consistently assembled to boost diversity, it's remarkable how quickly the message is absorbed into all levels of the organisation.
President at P3 Cost Analysts
6 年Really shows the importance of diversity and inclusion, thanks.
Consultant and Auditor - NDIS and Operational Systems.
6 年Out of interest, I went on the Adecco website to look at a standard job description and criteria for working there. I found nothing diverse, thought-provoking or unusual.
A well thought of post. If the goal is for developing a global force, there is a need to remove discrimination in talent hunting, in the distribution of work, and monitoring of the performance of jobs from diverse cultures. There are quite a number of issues here.