The path to prosilience - building blocks for your way
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Your prosilience, as with Rome (or those biceps), won’t be built in a day and change is here to stay. Prosilience is not just a state of being, but also lies in consciously choosing to do something every day to master adversity
Here’s a valuable resource to help you anticipate disruption
In her new book “Prosilience”, Dr. Linda Hoopes draws on insights from diverse fields such as neuroscience, physiology, psychology, and spirituality to help you assess your readiness for a challenge
Her book lists the?four building blocks of resilience?and the?seven?“resilience muscles”. These are items to add to your to do list and mental exercise routine to strategically flex those muscles regularly for optimal personal development and wellbeing.
So, how do you build that ‘bounce’??
1.?????Building blocks
Calming yourself: this acts on your brain’s central nervous system to improve your ability to respond effectively.
Choosing strategies: the situation will determine the best strategy to either reframe the challenge you face, change the situation, or just accept what it is.
Solving problems
Managing energy
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2. Muscles
In fact, here are a few exercises you can try out to build those change muscles, even before you face huge adversity. Check it out:
For more bite-sized bounce-building nuggets by Dr. Hoopes, have a read here:?
Changes and challenges are part of our history, our present situations and will guaranteed be a part of our future. If it wasn’t for change, skills like resilience and now, prosilience would never have been needed, identified and developed.
The test therefore, does not lie in avoiding hardships and transitions - but rather in intentionally building the ‘bounce’ necessary to overcome, adapt and embrace them before- and as they arise.
To smell the rain and the promise of renewal and growth it can also hold for each one of us.
And to encourage others to ‘probrilliantly’ follow suit.
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