A Path Out of Poverty: The Vital Role of Clean and Affordable Energy
Yao Amevi A. Sossou
Project Manager | Research Associate | Digital Transformation Advocate
The true way to improve this world is through the innovative solution. I mean we need to work harder to propose scientific and technological breakthroughs that can bring cleaner and green energy solutions at a very cheap or at leaf affordable price to the vast majority of the poor. Because you can't stop them from wanting to become rich or maintain them in poverty for long.
The World Bank's 2017 state of electricity access report states, "Expanding access to modern energy services is crucial for reducing poverty and promoting economic growth." The report highlights the importance of investing in research and development to improve access to affordable and clean energy, particularly in developing countries.
The International Energy Agency (2017) states, "Energy access is a basic human right and essential for sustainable development." The agency emphasizes the importance of investing in renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power, to provide clean and affordable energy for all.
additionally, the United Nations Development Programme's 2017 annual report states, "Energy poverty and poverty are inextricably linked. Energy poverty can perpetuate poverty, while access to energy can be a path out of poverty." The publication highlights the importance of addressing the social, political, and economic factors that contribute to poverty and energy poverty in developing countries, in addition to investing in innovative energy solutions. The utilization of innovative solutions, particularly in the field of clean and renewable energy, is critical for addressing poverty and improving access to energy in developing countries. As stated by the World Bank (2017), "Expanding access to modern energy services is crucial for reducing poverty and promoting economic growth."
Furthermore, The Word Bank’s 2020 State of Access to Modern Energy Cooking Services report finds out that four billion people worldwide continue to lack access to clean, efficient, easy, safe, dependable, and economical cooking energy. While approximately 1.25 billion people are deemed to be in transition and have access to improved cooking services, the other 2.75 billion have much higher access hurdles.
Access to affordable and clean energy is critical for increasing people's quality of life across the world, particularly in developing countries. Yet, access to clean and economical cooking energy is a critical concern for many people worldwide, particularly in poor nations.
Access to clean cooking energy can enhance health outcomes by lowering indoor air pollution and hazardous smoke exposure. It can also benefit the environment because the use of cleaner cooking fuels reduces emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. Moreover, having access to clean cooking energy can aid economic growth by increasing the availability of time and resources for education and income-generating activities.
Despite the obvious benefits of having access to clean cooking energy, the bulk of individuals without it appear to dwell in rural areas and are often among the poorest and most marginalized communities. To address this challenge, governments, international organizations, and the business sector must continue to invest and contribute.
Another way is through innovation. Innovative solutions can contribute to a more sustainable and fair future. Renewable energy technologies such as solar and wind power are becoming more economical, and the cost of these technologies is projected to continue to fall with additional investment in research and development. Additionally, energy efficiency measures can help to reduce the amount of energy required to power homes and businesses, making clean energy more accessible for everyone.
However, there are some social, political, and economic elements or factors that contribute to poverty and energy poverty that must also be addressed. For example:
Addressing these underlying concerns, as well as deploying innovative energy solutions, is critical for achieving a truly sustainable and fair future.
Finally, we want to conclude by stressing that access to affordable and clean energy is critical for alleviating poverty and supporting economic progress, especially in emerging countries. The World Bank, International Energy Agency, and United Nations Development Programme all stress the necessity of investing in novel energy solutions, such as renewable energy technology, to improve energy access and alleviate poverty. Access to clean cooking energy can also improve people's health, the environment, and the economy. Despite the benefits, there are still challenges such as lack of infrastructure, corruption, income inequality, political instability, and dependence on fossil fuels that need to be addressed to achieve a truly sustainable and fair future. Addressing these underlying concerns, as well as continuing to invest in innovative energy solutions, is critical for improving access