The Path of Least Resistance
?2024 has seen some changes…but also some constants. It’s not been without drama either.
In the change column, I’m officially in my 50’s (51 at the time of writing).
Work is still good fun…but not without its difficulties (as with everything I suppose).
I’m still training…and there’s a lot of flux in that. Constantly learning from my long-time teacher and mentor, Dan…but also the students we work with. I’m also learning a lot from my teaching as well. The important aspect to all of my martial arts is not to resist, or to find the Path of Least Resistance. Going with the flow is something that I can apply to life as much as I do in the dojo.
Changes in life are really only a problem when you confront them with resistance…
The year that was is always a big task to review. At this time last year, I’d just returned from Mexico City and all that entailed. That had a profound influence on 2024 in some ways. Turning 50 certainly did.
But in a curious sort of way, these sort of events sort of confirmed the path that I’m on – both personally and professionally. Learning to go with the flow…unlearning things to a certain extent and building them back up again.
The constants in my life are there as something of a framework…Family, Work, Friends, Food/Drink, Music, Martial Arts. Each of them progresses me in the right direction.
The music I’m listening to at the moment is all over the place as usual. Rock, Post-rock, Goth, Hip-Hop, Electronic, Metal, Folk…the list is long and distinguished. There’s a bit of country in there now (thanks Yellowstone!), some opera, some punk...basically across all genres. If I like it, I’ll listen to it (least resistance).
I’m out and about a bit seeing gigs. Highlights were 3 nights of Underworld in Sydney, The Dandy Warhols, Jesus and Mary Chain, The Clouds, They Might Be Giants. Probably a few more that are buried in my memory/phone. Again, I’m not particularly choosy…but I’ll go with the flow as to what’s happening around the place and to some extent, what my family and friends are up to (resisting as little as possible).
We took a family trip up to Exmouth earlier in the year and got out amongst it with the various sea creatures. Orcas, sharks, octopus, whale sharks and everything in between. Just fortunate to have the right time and place for all of this. Kings Reef are the go-to in Exmouth as far as I’m concerned, and this trip fuelled a bit of a fire to do some freediving training which I’ll be starting early in 2025.
What else? Well, least resistance meant that I was sent out into the garden mid-year to do some house-work. This is where I managed to slice my arm open in a fairly serious accident. A lot of pain, stitches and a cool scar later, the lesson there is not to attempt any gardening in your 50s…and maybe just a little bit of resistance when it comes to getting jobs done around the place.
We celebrated milestone birthdays for friends and family in various locations and at various establishments.
I also got back to Newcastle for work on a number of occasions and spent some time with the Talis team over there which is always a great trip to take and one that I need to do more often in 2025.
Work-wise, I’ve been really happy with the team I have here at Talis. We’ve got some stability for a change and what’s great is that I’m seeing all staff build on that. The expertise and experience is growing and I’m particularly proud of the more ‘junior’ staff we have on board at the moment who are hitting milestones all over the place. This growth is only achievable through some of the senior staff and leaders we have on board. It’s really satisfying to see this harmony occurring (again, a sense of least resistance between the groups).
Highlights for 2024 more generally have included being made a Director of the company at the start of July. I honestly thought this wasn’t a role for me, but I’m finding my involvement more interesting and valuable than I thought…and it’s pleasing to have a formal title to go with the work I’ve been doing. Being part of this Board is exciting, particularly as we continue to expand our reach and services.
In terms of the broader Talis business, I’m still proud to be part of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee and seeing its reach and influence throughout the company is very important to me. We’ve just received a couple of days of training in that regard and I found it to be incredibly valuable and insightful (and a little moving at times). These sort of opportunities only come around every so often, so learning from them and using them to apply to the office and personal life is very important.
In terms of the work we’ve done this year, it’s continued to increase in number and diversity. Again, it’s not been without issue, but how this has been approached and the resultant outcomes has also been somewhat of a learning experience. Anyone who tells you that their business never has issues with clients/deliverables etc is lying…there’s always something going on, but it’s how you deal with those issues that becomes the important factor. Again, the path of least resistance is more often than not the successful strategy to employ. Pick your battles – whether in the office or at home.
Looking ahead at 2025, I’m thinking that further consolidation of the work in our Newcastle office is important, coupled with the seeding of our new Brisbane office with at least a couple of Enviro staff, would be a good outcome for the year.
Some more marketing will be going on at the GEMG in May next year…Talis should have a decent contingent of staff in attendance and hopefully one or two presentations. This is always a good opportunity to catch up with colleagues/peers/friends in a collegiate environment.
Consolidation (and maybe a bit of growth) here in WA is also on the cards. We have a great office with some amazing staff and clients and I’d like to keep that progressing, whatever changes 2025 might bring.
Finally, there’s always some thanks to give at the end of any year.
·??????? First and foremost, my immediate family (Wife, 17yo son, 4yo dog).
·??????? My extended family.
·??????? My friends (surprisingly, some of them have been around for a long, long time now)
·??????? My colleagues and fellow Board members (some of whom have also been friends for many years).
·??????? My peers throughout the industry.
·??????? The clients who pay our salaries and are often much more than that.
Looking ahead again, there’s always room for improvement…but again that shouldn’t be forced change (hopefully).
·???????I want to continue to improve my martial arts, my teaching, my involvement in Talis both at the technical and Director level.
·???????I want to improve my creativity.
·???????I want to improve my fitness and strength.
·???????I want to keep learning (at work, at home, at the dojo, in the water).
·???????I want to find the path of least resistance in all of this.
If you do celebrate, have a fantastic Christmas. If not, then enjoy the break with friends and family and hopefully 2025 will continue to provide opportunity and happiness for you.
Environmental and Sustainability Specialist
2 个月Great read Andrew! So nice to hear the considered reflections of others who are moving in similar circles. I hope you and your team have a happy and safe 2025!