The Path - knowing self, finding community
The Path - a philosophical exploration of secular spirituality as experienced by one on a highly individualized journey of self discovery.
Though initially finding himself stumbling along a path steeped in his own and a wider dimness, lingering in a darkness and a fear of the unknown, "seeker" comes to discover real and personal meaning as well as personal purpose in engaging broad, yet intimate concepts echoed across the human experience. Along this journey seeker discovers the aid of enlightenment through his own and others' vital, self-illumination... and self-illumination shared.
Please note: Within this highly conceptual, stylized and existential text, you will encounter the word ia - a Polynesian pronoun referring to an entity which possesses both feminine and masculine energies as perhaps reflected in the pure, balanced force of nature. That is how ia is used in The Path, to describe an entity possessed of a harmonic balance - to the degree that gender is particularly irrelevant and serves only to otherwise detract from the insight shared by this entity which "seeker" comes to think of as simply "teacher" or "friend".
In the original version of The Path, penned in 1998, ia was used exclusively, in place of any gender-specific pronoun. This was a narrowly idealistic and purely artistic choice which made for very difficult reading - a practical fact I eventually realized. After all, what good is the written word if, by its own design, no one else can understand it? So, my reluctant editor-self at the emphatic behest of my publisher-self finally overruled my artist-self, and ia became relegated to only the most vital of enlightened character conveyances. I'm still not over it.
Other characters' genders were determined by the random casting of labeled stones, which seemed less biased than might be my own assignment.
The Table of Contents:
Conception and Wholeness through faith, innocence and wonder
Doubt and Dependency through default
Fear through action and reaction
Harmfulness, Needfulness and Compassion through transcendence
Resentment and Retaliation through trust, suspicion, assumption, blame and denial
Egocentricity through idolization and demonization
The Perpetual Cycle through interrelatedness, purpose and balance
Obtainment and Achievement through judgment, consequence, comparison, desire and patience
Reverence and Sacrifice through ritual and devotion
Self-Recognition through insecurity, ego, acceptance, affirmation, assessment, aspiration and love
Faith and Belief through virtue and device
Righteous Contenders and Exclusion through war
Conventionality through seeing
Restoration through perception and integration
Art, Self Expression and Self Perception through inspiration, symbolism and manifestation
Commodity, Bondage, Service and Exchange through opportunity, value, trade, greed, yield, risk and ruin
Confrontation and Defense through fear, cowardice, surrender, strategy, compromise, decisiveness and reserve
Responsiveness through giving, receiving and sharing
Assuredness through avenging, assaulting, tolerance and intolerance
Love, Fear, Hate and Faith through emotion, subconsciousness, vulnerability and strength
Oppression and Equality through social law and spiritual law
Dream Sense and Dream Being through reflection
Madness through recognition
Aloneness and Loneliness through contemplation
Mortality through loss and sorrow
Revelation through an originating source
Transformation through resurgence
An Excerpt from the Chapter: The Perpetual Cycle through interrelatedness, purpose and balance
"but what of our spirit then? what is the nature of our spirt?" seeker inquired.
"do we cease?"
seeker's companion gently rubbed the pebble between ia's thumb and forefinger and thought a long while before replying.
"again, seeker, energy cannot cease.... in any form. it simply transfers."
"just as our physical properties are passed through procreation, just as our nutrients pass in decomposition - do you believe that once i pass this insight on to you, it shall cease there? or shall it manifest it's self in either your actions or inactions.... in your thoughts and desire to pass it on to another? shall it then cease within them?
"the nature of energy is dynamic not finite." ia continued
"physical embodiments simply change in order to facilitate one another's transfer of energy. just because the measurements of psychic, spiritual and other forms of energy known and unknown seem elusive by conventional methods, and simply because such energies seem directly intangible does not mean that they are nonexistent, non-alive nor opposed to natural order"
"energy is infinite - and we, as all of life - are simply forms of energy."
"we then are infinite also - in all our forms."
"consider this, seeker," his companion continued. "survival of species is won by intelligence and strength, resulting in adaptability. it is also won by one's dependence upon others and others' dependence upon one. could the same not be true for the energy which is our essence - our spiritual selves? could this not be won by enlightenment and need?"
"could that not, perhaps, be the purpose of existence - to culminate the lessons afforded us by our entombment of physical forces into an energy without walls? an energy no longer dependent upon nor restricted by such containments?"
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The Path, All Images and Text (C) 1998 and 2018 Lisa Bracken / Cirse Windom
Published by New Flight Books - All rights reserved
Lisa what caught my attention was a loop of key things. Through giving of oneself to community you find your sense of purpose.
This is fantastic!!