The Path of Indecision

The Path of Indecision

In a distant mountain village, lived an old sage, renowned for his wisdom. One day, a young villager approached him, troubled by the burdens of every day life.

"Master," he said, "My life has become complicated. I am tormented by my inability to choose. Each path seems fraught with doubt and fear."

The sage led the young man to a stream, flowing gently through the forest. "Observe the water," he said. "It does not ponder which rock to flow around, nor does it fear the bends and falls ahead. It simply flows, trusting the path it takes."

"Master," the young man inquired, "what if the path leads to dry land? What if the water is diverted from its natural course along the riverbed? What if the rain stops and the river itself dries...?"

The sage replied, "The water will drift, it will dry, at times it crashes against the rocks, and yet, it continues. Yet, despite these challenges, it continues on its journey."In this journey, it nourishes the land, gives life to creatures, and shapes the very earth. Its power lies not in avoiding obstacles, but in embracing its journey, whatever it may bring."

."In this journey, it nourishes the land, gives life to creatures, and shapes the very earth. Its power lies not in avoiding obstacles, but in embracing its journey, whatever it may bring."

The young man pondered this and began to speak...

"So, indecision..."

"Is like a dam in the stream," the sage interrupted. "It halts the flow of life, creating stagnation. Struggles and pains arise not from the choices made, but from the fear of making them. Embrace your path with acceptance, like the water, and let your life flow.

Regardless of the magnitude of the choice, we always face a pathway of decisions directly before us. Lighten your heart and prepare for your journey to mirror the flowing of water. Like the stream in this story, move forward unburdened by the weight of indecision.




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